Thursday, February 28, 2013

Miraculous Mixture: Mother’s Milk

And We have enjoined upon man goodness towards his parents: His mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his weaning was in two years: “[Hence, O man,] be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the eventual coming.” (Qur’an, 31:14)

Mother’s milk is a matchless compound created by Allah to meet the baby’s nutritional needs and protect it against possible infections. The balance of the nutriments in mother’s milk is at ideal levels and the milk is in the ideal form for the baby’s immature body. At the same time, the mother’s milk is also very rich in nutrients which accelerate the growth of brain cells and the development of the nervous system. [1] Artificial baby foods prepared with present-day technology cannot replace this miraculous food.

The list of advantages to the baby provided by mother’s milk is being added to every day. Research has shown that babies who are fed mother’s milk are particularly protected against infections concerning the respiratory and digestive systems. That is because the antibodies in mother’s milk provide a direct defence against infection. Other anti-infection properties of mother’s milk are that it provides a hospitable environment for “good” bacteria called “normal flora” thus constituting a barrier to harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Furthermore, it has also been established that there are factors in mother’s milk which arrange the immune system against infectious diseases and allow it to function properly. [2]

Since the mother’s milk has been specially designed, it is the most easily digestible food for babies. Despite being nutritionally very rich, it is easily digested by the baby’s sensitive digestive system. Since the baby thus expends less energy on digestion, it is able to use that energy for other bodily functions, growth and organ development.

The milk of mothers who have had premature babies contains higher levels of fat, protein, sodium, chloride and iron to meet the baby’s needs. Indeed, it has been established that the functions of the eye develop better in premature babies fed on mother’s milk and that they perform better in intelligence tests. In addition, they also have a great many other advantages. One of the ways in which mother’s milk is important to the development of the new-born baby is the fact that it contains omega-3 oil alpha linoleic acids. As well as being an important compound for the human brain and retina, it is also of great importance from the point of view of new-born babies. Omega-3 is of particular importance throughout pregnancy and the early stages of babyhood if the brain and nerves are to develop normally. Scientists particularly emphasise the importance of mother’s milk as a natural and perfect store of omega-3. [3]

Furthermore, research by Bristol University scientists revealed that among the long-term benefits of mother’s milk are its positive effect on blood pressure, thanks to which the risk of heart attack is reduced. The research team concluded that the protective nature of mother’s milk stems from its nutritional content. According to the results of the research, published in the medical journal Circulation, babies fed on mother’s milk are less likely to develop heart disease. It has been revealed that the presence in mother’s milk of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids—these prevent hardening of the arteries—along with the fact that babies fed on mother’s milk consume less sodium—this is closely linked to blood pressure—and do not, as a result, gain excessive amounts of weight are among the ways that mother’s milk benefits the heart. [4]

In addition, a team led by Dr. Lisa Martin, of the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Centre in the USA, found high levels of the protein hormone known as adiponectin in mother’s milk. [5] High blood levels of adiponectin are associated with a reduced risk of heart attack. Low levels of adiponectin are found in people who are obese and who are at increased risk of a heart attack. It was therefore established that the risk of obesity in babies fed on mother’s milk declined in relation to this hormone. Furthermore, they also discovered the presence of another hormone called leptin in the mother’s milk which has a central role in fat metabolism. Leptin is believed to be a signal to the brain that there is fat on the body.

According to Dr. Martin’s announcement, therefore, these hormones absorbed in babyhood through mother’s milk reduce the risk of such illnesses as obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, and coronary artery disease. [6]

Facts about “The Freshest Food”:
The facts about the mother’s milk are not restricted to these. The contribution it makes to the baby’s health alters according to the phases the baby undergoes and whichever foodstuff is required at a particular stage, the contents of the milk change to meet those very specific needs. Mother’s milk, ready at all times and at the ideal temperature, plays a major role in brain development because of the sugar and fat it contains. In addition, elements such as calcium in it play a large role in the development of the baby’s bones.

Although it is called milk, this miraculous compound actually consists mostly of water. This is a most important feature because in addition to food, babies also need liquid in the form of water. Full hygiene may not be established in water or foodstuffs other than mother’s milk. Yet mother’s milk—90% water no less—, meets the baby’s water needs in the most hygienic manner.

Mother’s Milk and Intelligence
Scientific research shows that the cognitive development in breast-fed babies is greater than that in other babies. A comparative analysis of breast-fed babies and formula-fed babies by James W. Anderson—an expert from the University of Kentucky—established that the IQs of babies fed on mother’s milk were 5 points higher than those of other babies. As a result of this study, it was determined that intelligence is benefited by mother’s milk for up to 6 months and that children who are breast-fed for less than 8 weeks show no IQ benefit. [7]

Does Mother’s Milk Combat Cancer?
As a result of all the research performed, it is proven that mother’s milk, on which hundreds of papers have been published, protects babies against cancer. This, despite the fact that the mechanism is not yet fully understood. When a protein from the mother’s milk killed off tumour cells which had been grown in laboratories without damaging any healthy cells, researchers stated that a great potential has emerged. Catharina Svanborg, professor of clinical immunology at Lund University in Sweden, headed the research team that discovered these miraculous secrets of mother’s milk. [8] This team at Lund University have described the way that mother’s milk provides protection against many forms of cancer as a miraculous discovery.

Initially, researchers treated intestinal mucous cells taken from new-born babies with mother’s milk. They observed that the disorder caused by the bacterium Pneumococcus and known as pneumonia was efficiently halted by mother’s milk. What is more, babies fed on mother’s milk encounter far fewer hearing difficulties than those fed on formula and suffer far fewer respiratory infections. After a series of studies, it was shown that mother’s milk also provides protection against cancer. After showing that the incidence of the lymph cancer observed in childhood was nine times greater in formula-fed children, they realised that the same results applied to other forms of cancer. According to the results, mother’s milk accurately locates the cancer cells and later destroys them. It is a substance called alpha-lac (alphalactalbumin), present in large quantities in mother’s milk, that locates and kills the cancer cells. Alpha-lac is produced by a protein that assists in the manufacture of the sugar lactose in the milk. [9]

This Matchless Blessing Is a Gift from Allah:

Another miraculous feature of mother’s milk is the fact that it is exceedingly beneficial for the baby to be fed with it for two years. [10] This important information, only recently discovered by science, was revealed by Allah fourteen centuries ago in the verse: “Mothers should nurse their children for two full years—those who wish to complete the full term of nursing…” (Qur’an, 2:233)

In the same way that the mother does not decide to produce milk, the most ideal source of nourishment for the helpless baby in need of feeding in her body, neither does she decide on the various nutritional levels within it. It is Almighty Allah, Who knows the needs of and displays mercy to every living thing, Who creates mother’s milk for the baby in the mother’s body.

1.    High-Risk Newborn—The Benefits of Mother’s Own Milk” University of Utah Health Sciences Center,.

2.    Ibid.

3.    C. Billeaud, et al., European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1997, vol. 51, 520-526.

4.    "Breast milk 'does cut heart risk," 1 March 2004, .

5.    "Breast milk helps reduce obesity" 2 May 2004, .

6.    Ibid.

7.    Tim Whitmire, “IQ Gain from Breastfeeding”.

9.    Peter Radetsky, "Human Breast Milk Kills Cancer Cells," Discover 20, No. 06, June 1999.

10.  Rex D. Russell, “Design in Infant Nutrition” .

How to woo your partner sexually


Sexual preferences are so varied that it's easy to go from being a 'sex God' to a 'sex fraud'? Youth Inc offers you a handy guide to sexual turn ons and turn offs.

What does the opposite sex want? While there can never be a definitive answer to that question, we can provide some insight on sexual likes and dislikes of the opposite sex.

Read on to see what will drive your partner crazy and what will just drive them away.

The turn ons

Going south
One of the biggest turn ons for both men and women is when their partners are willing (and eager) to explore their 'southern regions'. While the male preference for oral sex is well know, women are equally turned on by a 'generous' man.

Yes, men love saucy lingerie, sensual music and sultry moves. And oh, there must be heels involved. But remember, a good striptease is mainly about confidence.

If you're awkward or nervous about the idea, it's best to let it pass.

Pat on the back
Male egos are monstrous, fragile beings that must be handled with great care. Make sure you appreciate their efforts during and after the act. Saying things like 'You make me feel so good' or 'That was amazing' will not only give your man pleasure but also make him want to perform better.

It's a win-win situation if there ever was one.

I'm sexy and I love it
Bikini bodies are a pleasing visual for most men. But a greater turn on is someone who is confident about and comfortable with her body.

Even if you have extra curves, stubby legs or a backside that's too prominent, if you love it, you can certainly work it.

Naughty women
Women who initiate sex by making the first move are a huge turn on for men. They like their partner's naughty side, especially if it is a rare sight.

Men also love costumes: hot nurse, sexy professor or cute waitress -- excite him with your new alter ego.

Slow and steady
While it takes seconds for a man to be turned on, women take more than ten minutes to be completely aroused. Men should use this time to tease and excite the woman. Nibbling her ear, stroking the area around her navel and passionate kissing are some of the most effective forms of foreplay.

The right touch
There are certain points in the human body that are especially sensitive to touch. These are called erogenous zones, and their stimulation can give your partner great pleasure.

For men, theses zones are the ears, temples, shoulders and lower backs.

In women, they are nape of the neck, inner thighs, back of their knees and feet. Let your hands wander.

The turn offs

I'm fine, thank you
Unwillingness to experiment can be a turn off for both men and women. While you don't have to do anything you don't enjoy, being stuck in a 'sexual routine' can cause your partner to lose interest soon.

Change of location, new positions or other sexual experiments can be exciting for both sexes.

No protection
Men who refuse to wear a condom or are careless about protection are a big turn off. Women especially like to be with men who are dependable and responsible, even in bed.

If you want to keep your lady happy, don't hesitate to tear the wrapper.

Roll over and play dead
Listen up, boys! Lovemaking is an exhausting process but girls don't dig it when you roll away and snore peacefully just seconds later.

Post-sex behaviour is as important as the act, especially if you want a second chance, so stop snoring and start cuddling.

Tell me how it was!
Too much post-sex interrogation can be a huge turn off. If you must find out, stop at 'Did you enjoy it?'. A detailed enquiry with questions like 'What was the best part?', 'Are you sure you liked it?', 'Is there something I should do differently?' will just ruin the mood.

It also shows your lack of confidence which can seem unattractive to your partner.

No entry zones
While sex is about uninhibitedly exploring your partner's body, there are some no entry zones.

For example, some people dislike fingers wandering into their backsides. So before you make any bold moves, watch your partner's reaction.

If they look uncomfortable, it's time to stop.

Grey areas

The world is reading about bondage and submission in 50 Shades of Grey but is it really a turn on?

Fetishes and sexual fantasies vary from person to person. While furry handcuffs and spanking sessions might work for some people, others could find it disrespectful and humiliating.

So before you scare your partner away by revealing a whip, take time to discover his/her preferences and find something that is pleasurable for both of you.

Dirty talk
With dirty talk as well, it's best you test the waters before embarking on a verbal rant. There are also different levels of dirty talk -- from 'you're such a bad boy/girl' to things we can't mention in Youth Inc Magazine.

However, dirty talk is most exciting when it is occasional and unexpected. Too much and too harsh could be a dampener.

Aging Teeth

Note: This article is jut for the general information of the readers.  Please contact a dentist for more details and guidance

We spend a significant part of our lives eating, chewing, and biting into something. Our teeth, owing to their natural strength, can take this entire load; however, this wear and tear, and age can affect your teeth. Given below are some possible conditions that you might face as you age and ways to prevent them.

Acid Erosion
All the sugars and starch we consume through foods are the biggest threats to our teeth. These carbohydrates cause the bacteria in our mouths to produce acids, which in turn eat away and corrode the enamel of our teeth. This leads to creation of tiny pits and craters where tooth decay can commence.

If you are thinking candies and sweet meats are the worst threats to our teeth, then get this – Carbonated drinks and sweet sodas are even more hazardous. Carbonation can drastically increase the acid levels in the mouth. Some studies have even shown that sports drinks and energy drinks can cause equal harm to the enamel in your tooth.

How to prevent:
·         Cut down consumption of starchy and sugary foods. Avoid carbonated drinks

·         Do not snack frequently to curb the hunger pangs. Frequent snacking can cause the acid levels to be high for more time.

·         Try switching to sugarless gum to satisfy your craving for sweet. The process of chewing increases saliva generation in the mouth, helps cleansing the mouth and neutralizes the acid levels.

·         Good oral hygiene reduce bacteria levels in the mouth. Brush your teeth twice everyday if not after every meal and floss regularly.

·         Go to your dentist for regular checkups and get your teeth examined.

Mechanical Wear and Tear
One of the myths about our teeth is that they become brittle with age. It is not true. The purpose of our teeth is purely mechanical and so is the wear and tear. Our teeth are not prone to cracking and chipping without a foreign influence. You could have chipped teeth if you bite into a particularly hard substance; lets say a hard popcorn kernel.

If you have fillings in your teeth or have had root canal treatments, then your teeth are prone to chipping because they lack the structural strength of naturally intact teeth.

Another reason for wear and tear of your teeth is a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth. This condition, known as bruxism, causes wear in the surface of the teeth and leads to tooth decay.

How to prevent:
·         Don’t chew hard foods and avoid chewing on ice when consuming cold drinks.

·         Make sure the foods that you bite into do not have hard pits. The most common example is of a bucket of popcorn, which has some un-popped kernels of corn.

·         Visit your dentist regularly and check for any cracks or broken fillings that can lead to vulnerability of your teeth against biting hard substances.

·         If you have bruxism, try a dental guard at nights to avoid grinding your teeth in sleep.

Coffee, tea, wine, cigarettes, and chewing tobacco – all of these can lead to discoloration of your teeth and stains. Stains are largely only surface phenomena, but stains usually form at the site of organic build-up or plaque, therefore it helps to get them removed at the earliest.
How to prevent:
·         Avoid any food that stains your teeth

·         Good oral hygiene and regularly brushing your teeth can help removing plaque.

·         Get your dentist to clean your teeth on a regular basis for removal of plaque and tartar. Your toothbrush can’t reach certain areas where plaque can form, and a dental clean up can help removal.

There are many home kits and solutions that can help keep your teeth clean and white. But remember, overuse can lead to teeth and gum damage.

Gum Problems
Gum diseases are the largest threats to your teeth and general health also. As you age, the risk of gum problems grows. Pockets of bacteria form on the gum line and can cause infection that damages connective tissue and the bone leading to tooth loss.

How to prevent:
·         Brush and floss regularly to remove plaque and bacteria.

·         Use an anti-bacterial mouthwash.

·         Check for gum diseases during your regular dental checkups.

·         Gum diseases are inflammatory; therefore consume foods that reduce inflammation. Omega-3 fatty acids can help in this process. 

Dry Mouth
Dry mouth is a condition caused by inadequate generation of saliva. It can lead to decay and other problems. A good flow of saliva can keep the teeth healthy and neutralize the acids that corrode the enamel in our teeth. Age does not naturally cause dry mouth, but many medications can lead to dry mouth and most of these are medicines that people consume as they age.

How to prevent:
·         Visit your doctor at the early signs of dry mouth.

·         Ask your doctor for recommending sugar free gum that increases saliva generation in your mouth.

With a little care, you can have teeth strong enough to bite into a walnut even at a ripe old age. So keep them clean and take good care.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

10 pill-free ways to keep BP in check

Mumbai Mirror

Here are 10 pill-free ways to keep your blood pressure in check this summer

Drink coconut water
This mild tropical drink can lower blood pressure as much as 12 points for 71 per cent of people. Coconut water is packed with 1,500 mg of potassium per 20-ounce serving. This mineral helps calm the entire central nervous system, preventing artery-damaging blood pressure surges when life gets hectic. Look for coconut water in grocery stores and whole foods stores.

Season with sesame oil
The oil's healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids and unique sesamin compound work together to relax blood vessel walls, preventing pressure spikes. Cook your meals in sesame oil or sprinkle them on rice or salad.

Cook with cardamom
When people suffering from hypertension add 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom to their daily diets, it helps normalise their blood pressure in as little as 12 weeks. Cardamom is a slightly citrusy flavoured spice, which is packed with plant compounds that keep the muscles of your heart and arteries relaxed, so pressure surges are less likely to occur.

Drink tea generously
Despite all the fuss around green tea, black tea is far more beneficial, says a recent study. They are, after all, made from the leaves of the same plant and contain the same artery-relaxing antioxidants, which are essential. For optimum results, dunk the tea bag up and down a few times instead of just letting it q u i e t l y steep. Sip 36 ounces of tea daily (three big mugs), and you'll slash your risk of hypertension by 65 per cent.

See more green
Looking at a scenic tranquil picture can lower your blood pressure as much as nine per cent. Looking at nature increases your brain's production of soothing alpha-waves that calm your central nervous system and clamp down the production of the pressureraising stress hormone cortisol. Hanging a beautiful nature photo in your room or opening the blinds — if you're lucky enough to have a soothing view — also work.

Sit straight
There are nerves in your neck that send calming messages to your brain and slouching squishes the vertebrae and discs in your neck, p i n c h i n g those delicate nerves and hindering their function. When you slouch and sit, it ups your blood pressure by as much as 16 per cent.

Stock up on potatoes
According to another research, savouring a potato every day (as long as you eat it mashed, boiled or baked — not fried) helps 81 per cent of people get their blood pressure under control (and with just half their usual prescription meds).

Tubers are packed with potassium, chlorogenic acid and tryptophan, and these compounds work handin-hand to relax and open the blood vessels that nourish your heart.

For top-notch blood pressure control, eat the skin. That is where most of the potato's nutrients are stored.

Take deep breaths
Breathing slowly and deeply, taking 10 relaxed breaths per minute, instead of the more common 16, helps women slash 14 points off their blood pressure in one month. Calm breathing stalls production of stress hormones and that's essential for keeping arteries relaxed and blood pressure in check.

Ditch 'low-fat' food
The problem with processed foods that claim are low fat or fat-free is that in order to give them a decent texture and taste, manufacturers pack them with sugar, which is a potent, high blood pressure trigger. When your blood sugar surges, it causes damaging inflammation inside your blood vessels, escalating the build-up of the arterys tiffening plaque.

Health benefits of pure ghee

By Trina Remedios, Health Me Up

Ghee is mostly considered unhealthy (and is unhealthy when consumed without the necessary portion control), but there are a few parameters that make 'pure ghee' healthy.

"Pure ghee contains only those fatty acids or saturated fats that are primarily (89%) short chain fatty acids, unlike some other animal fats," says nutritionist, Pallavi from Evolve Medspa. She lists out the health benefits of pure ghee. Let's take a look.

Before you indulge in pure ghee, here are the basic guidelines:

-       Consume pure ghee if you are free from cardiovascular diseases, are not overweight.

-       Completely avoid ghee if you are obese.

-       The recommended amount of fat consumed in the entire day is 10 to 15 grams per person.

So, is ghee healthy for you?

Regular consumption of pure ghee enhances physical and mental strength, and keeps the body healthy. It also helps in taking out the impurities from the body. It enhances eyesight, keeps muscles and tendons healthy.

For people with cholesterol problems, ghee is a better option as compared to butter as pure ghee is lower in fat than butter.

Because of lesser amount of fat in desi ghee, it is easier to digest.

Pure ghee can last for a longer duration of time. It can be stored without refrigeration.

Some people believe that ghee can restore balance to the mind and enhance brain function.

Ghee also helps in stimulating the digestive system and hence also aids in weight loss provided your diet is well balanced and you are exercising.

It is full of Vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they have to be digested with other fat molecules in order for these vitamins to make it into our bloodstream. Ghee has lots of dietary fats (mostly saturated fats) that help our bodies absorb and make use of these vitamins.

Ghee is an excellent cooking medium because it does not break down in high heat like many cooking oils do, resulting in free radicals. Ghee has a high burning point, so it will neither smoke nor burn when cooked.

The body needs certain fats in its diet in order to perform vital functions, including protecting the stomach wall from digestive acids, building and strengthening cell membranes and supporting nerve, skin and brain health. The fats in ghee provide these benefits without any of the trans-fats, hydrogenated oils or oxidized cholesterol of butter and other oils.

Keep in mind, that we are only attaching these benefits to pure homemade ghee made with zero preservative or vegetable fats. Store-bought ghee or ghee prepared with any artificial methods will not fit in the same category as pure ghee.

Ghee is also lactose-free and contains no salt.

Happy eating, but keep a tab on the amount.

Beautiful Photography


Photographic tips

Research your subject
Practice for the unpredictability of wild birds by photographing falcons and eagles at raptor, nature, or wildlife centers. Study their movements and flight patterns to learn how to best capture pictures of them.

Be ready to shoot
Blend with the scenery. Remain motionless so the birds grow used to your presence. Camouflage or neutral clothing is useful but not essential. Aim and prefocus your camera at a spot where action is likely to occur. Have the viewfinder near your face and your finger poised over the shutter button so that you'll be ready to take a picture as soon as the right moment presents itself. This is where the patience comes in.

Place the point of interest off-center
Your pictures will be more interesting if your point of interest, the bird, is not in the center of the picture. Place the horizon a third of the way down from the top (or up from the bottom) of the frame. Or put the birds a third of the way in from the left or right. Experiment until you find a composition that appeals to you.

Take lots of pictures
Take lots of pictures to increase your chance of capturing just the right moment. Even the pros take lots of pictures and think nothing of filling a memory card just to get that one great shot.

Pan your camera
For a creative effect, follow the bird's action (pan) with your camera and press the shutter button while still moving the camera. Your subject will be sharp, but the background will blur indicating speed.

Zoom and flash
Take caution when photographing wild birds. They might have a nest nearby and could abandon the area if humans encroach upon them. They may even attack you, so use a zoom lens to get close. If you're using an SLR camera, try a powerful accessory zoom flash to extend the reach of your flash out to 30 or even 40 feet. The flash will brighten the bird and
leave the background darker.

Fill in with flash
If the birds are resting in a shadow and the scenery behind them is in sunlight, turn on the flash to balance out the scene. This also reduces harsh shadows on their faces. For snapshot cameras, the maximum flash range will be about 10 feet.

Replacing a Dead

A Young Man Called Rama Swami Died An Untimely Death.

His Parents, Wife And Nine Year Old Son Were Crying Bitterly Sitting Next To His Dead Body.

They All Happened To Be Disciples Of A Holy Man Whom They Called 'Maharaj Ji'. When Maharaj Ji Learnt That Rama Swami Had Died, He Came To Visit The Family. He Entered The House And Found The  Family Wailing Inconsolably. Seeing Maharaj Ji, The wife Started Crying Even Louder.

She Sobbed Saying, "Maharaj Ji, He Has Died Too Early, He Was So Young... Oh! I Would Do Anything To Make Him Alive Again. What Will Happen To Our Son? I'm So Helpless And Miserable."

Maharaj Ji Tried To Pacify The Crying Lady And The Old Parents,

But The Loss Was Too Much For Them To Come To Terms With So Easily.

Eventually, Maharaj Ji Said, "Alright, Get Me A Glass Of Water."

Maharaj Ji Sat Near The Dead Body And Put The Glass Next To It. He Said, "Now, Who Ever Wants That Rama Swami Should Become Alive Again May Drink This Water. Rama Swami Shall Come Back To Life, But The Person Who Drinks The Water Shall Die Instead!"


"Come, Did You Not Say That Rama Swami Was The Sole Bread Winner Of The Family? Who Would die Instead Of Him? It Is A Case Of Fair Exchange, Isn't It?"

The Wife Looked At The Old Mother And The Old Mother Looked At The Wife. The Old Father Looked At Rama Swami's Son. But No One Came Forward...Then Maharaj Ji Said To The Old Father, "Babuji, Wouldn't You Give Your Life For Your Son?"

The Old Man Said, "Well, I Have My Responsibility Towards My Wife. If I Die Who Will Look After Her? I Cannot Offer My Life To You."

Maharaj Ji  Looked Questioningly At The Old Woman And Said, "Amma?"

Amma Said, "My Daughter Is Due To Deliver Her First Baby. She Will Be Coming To Stay For A Month...If I Die Who Will Look After Her And The Newborn. Why Don't You Ask Rama Swami's Wife?

Maharaj Ji Smiled And Looked At The Young Widow.

She Widened Her Tear Filled Eyes And Said, "Maharaj Ji, I Need To Live For My Son...If I Die, Who Will Look After Him?  He Needs Me. Please Don't Ask Me To Do This Sacrifice..

Maharaj Ji Asked The son, "Well Little Boy, Would You Like To Give Your Life For Your Father?"

Before The Boy Could Say Anything, His Mother Pulled Him To Her Breast And Said,.. "Maharaj Ji, Are You insane?.. My Son Is Only Nine. He Has Not Yet Lived His Life. How Could You Even Think Or Suggest Such A Thing?"

 Maharaj Ji  Said, "Well It Seems, That All Of You Are Very Much Needed For The Things You Need To Do In This World...

It Seems Rama Swami Was The Only One That Could Be Spared...

That Is Why God Chose To Take Him Away.

So Shall We Now Proceed With His Last Rites?... It's Getting Late.. Having Said That, Maharaj Ji Got Up And Left.

Love Lasts As Long As Life Exists...
The Rest Is Only Memories Of Happy Times.!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Door

Whew! What a relief to learn this...

The Door

Ever walk into a room with some purpose in mind, only to completely forget what that purpose was?

Turns out, doors themselves are to blame for these strange memory lapses.

Psychologists at the University of Notre Dame have discovered that passing through a doorway triggers what's known as an Event Boundary in the mind, separating one set of thoughts and memories from the next. Your brain files away the thoughts you had in the previous room and prepares a blank slate for the new locale.

Thank goodness for studies like this. It's not our age, it's that darn door!

Did I send this to you already?

Top 12 Unique Uses of Vaseline

By Kanika Kothari

The name “Vaseline” instantly reminds us of a thick, white jelly. Though the petroleum jelly has been around since the eighteenth century, it is popularly known only for its moisturising properties. However, Vaseline has more to it. Very few people know of its benefits in other areas.

It is often regarded as a quick-fix remedy for many household worries and homemakers swear by it. Vaseline is a miraculous jelly which can help say farewell to a number of household problems.

Here are some of the unique yet very useful uses of Vaseline. Read on to find more about Vaseline:

Household uses
·         Applying the petroleum jelly on the insides of a light bulb socket is often a convenient way of getting the bulb easily in and out of the socket.

·         Now say bye to those freaky expressions on your face after looking at a stuck chewing gum on the underside of your table. Squeeze some Vaseline on the gum, rub it till it starts to disintegrate then remove. The gum will vanish.

·         Leftover food, spillages, water ring marks on the expensive piece of furniture- causes lot of irritation. Vaseline can easily remove the marks from your furniture. Smear a coat of the jelly and allow it to stand overnight. Wipe it with a clean cloth and see them gone. It’s even an effective way to polish your furniture as well.

·         A generous coat of the jelly on the insides of the candelabras will also help in taking off those candle wax drippings easily.

·         Lipstick marks on those cloth napkins can also be easily removed with the petroleum jelly. Dab the spots with Vaseline and wash it. The stains will be miraculously gone in not time.

·         Having a hard time unscrewing that lid of nail polish bottle? Next time apply a little Vaseline around the rim of its lid and seal. You will never experience the trouble.

·         Apply a coat of the jelly on the hinges of you doors, cabinets, anywhere where the hinge won’t stay quiet. This will eliminate the noise and ease the movement by acting as an effective lubricant.

·         Brighten those dull pair of leather shoes with an easy swipe of Vaseline. Rub it with a clean cloth and see it as good as new.

·         Expensive bags can also be saved by rubbing them with a little Vaseline. The jelly will protect it from dullness, cracks and water damage.

·         Save your intricate piece of wood work with Vaseline. Just coat petroleum jelly on the places where you don’t want the paint to sneak in. You can later use a paper towel to clean it.

·         Men can also now keep a jar of Vaseline in their car. A coat of the jelly on your car batteries will keep those white metallic buildups at bay.

·         Vaseline can be smeared over the CD’s and DVD’s to keep them scratch free. Use a cotton swab with the jelly to fill in the scratches on discs.

Vaseline is a miraculous jelly it is also effective in curing health ailments. It is a therapy for toe nail fungus, to treat moles, heals scars and lend a more adorable looking you – Vaseline does it all!