By Renita Tisha Pinto
A health check up consists of a series of tests that are designed to check if you are on the right health track. The basic goal of a health check up is to find the hidden disease in your body, prevent it from building, and lower its effect on your body. Health checkups have several advantages. By taking up regular health checkups, you are increasing your lifespan by improving your health and preventing it from deteriorating. Today, Dr. K.M. Sunesara – General Physician, Mumbai, shares a list of 20 health checkups to reduce disease risk. Follow this list and schedule an appointment right away.
Important Healthy Checkup # 1: Pap test
Dr. Sunesara says – if you are planning to conceive, than it is highly recommended that every woman should go in for this test. This test should be conducted every two years or more frequently. The Pap test helps you detects any incident of developing cervical cancer within the the cells in your cervix. Hence, go for this test before getting pregnant.
Important Healthy Checkup # 2: Blood pressure screening
Check your blood pressure every 6 months. Your blood pressure should be in the range of 120-139/80-89 Hg. If you see that your blood pressure is not in the healthy range then seek medical help immediately. Besides, if you are down with other health problems like diabetes, high cholesterol, or heart problems, then you should monitor your blood pressure more frequently.
Important Healthy Checkup # 3: Skin check
This test can be done daily, while you go for a shower. Check your skin daily for something unusual like moles or rashes. If you notice anything unusual then go for an examination to your GP or to a dermatologist.
Important Healthy Checkup # 4: Cholesterol check
High cholesterol is becoming an increasingly common health issue for today's masses due to erratic and unhealthy eating habits. It is also the primary risk factor behind many health and heart complications. To prevent wasting endless cash on bypass and open-heart surgeries, Dr. Sunesara recommends that everyone who eats unhealthy food regularly should go in for a cholesterol checkup.
Important Healthy Checkup # 5: Dental examination
Stephen – Dental Student at Terna College says – every individual should go in for dental examination every 6-12 months. He further adds – good dental health is very important for overall health. A good and regular examination of your teeth and other oral organs like salivary glands and lymph nodes will help you to maintain a healthy mouth and prevent various tooth and gum diseases.
Important Healthy Checkup # 6: Bone mineral test
This test is a must for every woman – says Dr. Sunesara. This test helps you diagnose your risk of developing bone problems like osteoporosis and arthritis. As bones become thinner as we age and due to consumption of less nutrient food, the calcium content in our bones decreases, which can lead to fractures and sever bone damage. To avoid fractures and a weakened skeletal structure, this test is a must even for men.
Important Healthy Checkup # 7: Colorectal cancer screening
Colorectal cancer arises due to abnormal growth in the colon or rectum. This test helps to detect this dangerous growth, so that they can be removed before becoming a tumor. Early detection can save your life, so everyone should go for this check-up once they step in their 40s or have a history of cancer in their family.
Important Healthy Checkup # 8: Breast cancer (Mammogram)
Every woman, should check their breasts every day. If they notice anything unfamiliar, they should visit a doctor immediately. Besides, every woman should go in for this test every 2 years, especially if you have a family history of breast cancer.
Important Healthy Checkup # 9: Abdominal aortic aneurysm
If you are a chain smoker, then it is highly recommended that you should go for this test. Abdominal aortic aneurysm is a very deadly disease. In this disease, the largest artery in your body – abdominal aorta swells up due to smoking. If the swelling doesn’t stop, it can also burst leading to death due to bleeding.
Important Healthy Checkup # 10: Sexually transmitted infections (STI) screenings
If you are sexually active and unsure about your partner/s sexual practises or habits, then this test is for you. STIs can be transmitted during vaginal, anal and oral sex. They are also transmitted from mother to child. Hence, if you change your partners regularly or if you have unprotected sex more frequently, then you and your partner should go for these screenings.
Important Healthy Checkup # 11: Testes examination
All men should self-examine their testes at least once in two weeks. Examination will help to diagnose testes health problems like testicular cancer, and timely detection can save your life. Dr. Sunesara says – the examination is simple; use your fingers to feel your testes, if you find some lump or swelling, then get in touch with your doctor right away.
Important Healthy Checkup # 12: BMI assessment
A healthy BMI means a healthy body. Check your BMI regularly. It is calculated by using the ratio of your weight to your height. A BMI range of 20-25 is considered healthy, and every individual should strive to fall in this category to prevent chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and osteoporosis.
Important Healthy Checkup # 13: Waist circumference measurement
This test will help to diagnose the fat accumulation and abdominal obesity in your body. This test will help to know your risk for developing various chronic diseases. Dr. Sunesara says - for men, if your waist measures more than 94 cm and for women, if your waist measures more than 80 cm then you are at an increased risk. Check your weight and waist circumference at least twice in six months.
Important Healthy Checkup # 14: Eye check up
Every individual should go in for an eye check up at least once in a year. Eye checkups will not just help to prevent various eye problems that cause blindness, like glaucoma, but they will also help in treating macular degeneration and refractive problems. Hence, to enjoy a good life, you need good vision, so go for a test and protect your eyes.
Important Healthy Checkup # 15: Hearing assessment
Even a slight hearing disruption can prove to be an irritant and affect the quality of your life. Due to loud music and constant use of earphones, many are at risk of developing ear infections that can cause temporary or permanent hearing loss. To prevent such communication disruption, go in for an ear checkup, especially if you notice some hearing problem.
Important Healthy Checkup # 16: Faecal occult blood test (FOBT)
This test helps in screening your risk to bowel cancer. It checks for the presence of blood in your stool, which is one of the signs of bowel cancer. Go for this test, once you step into your 50s or if you have a history of cancer.
Important Healthy Checkup # 17: Electrocardiogram (ECG)
This is one of the best and most painless medical tests if you suspect you have heart abnormalities. It measures the electrical activity that is generated by the heart, when the heart contracts. This test can be done every 2-5 years, depending on your health and medical history.
Important Healthy Checkup # 18: Diabetes test
You can test your risk to diabetes by measuring your blood sugar level. A blood sugar level test is used to measures the level of glucose in your blood. You can go for this test every once or thrice a year, depending on your age, history, lifestyle and obesity.
Important Healthy Checkup # 19: Anaemia test
If you are getting tired too frequently or regularly suffer from breathlessness, then you should go for an anaemia test. This test will help measure the level of iron and red cells in your blood.
Important Healthy Checkup # 20: Thyroid test
The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body’s metabolism. If your thyroid gland is over active or underactive, then it may create numerous health complications. Many women these days are a victim of improper functioning of thyroid glands. Hence, to prevent complications, check your thyroid level, especially once you step into your 30s.