Thursday, May 23, 2013

3 Benefits of Sweating

Sweating is a very important process that your body uses for a variety of purposes. In fact, these days it is used to help your overall health. Everyday, you sweat out about 10 percent of the water that your body loses. You don't have to be working out to sweat, but when you do it during exercise, you are benefiting your body. Here are three of the major benefits of sweating:

1.    Cleaner Skin: Unfortunately, sweating has gotten a bad reputation. But sweating is actually your body's way of helping to keep your skin clean. Every day, toxins build up in your pores that need to be released. If they're not, then your skin can break out and cause pimples, rashes and other skin infections. By sweating out these toxins, your skin stays cleaner and, over time, it will appear to look healthier than ever.

2.    Lowers Body Temperature: If you never sweat, there's a good chance that you have a very high body temperature. In order to prevent this from happening, your body needs to sweat to avoid overheating. It's one of the reasons that you start sweating when you exercise. Your body heats up to burn calories and keep your energy levels high. At the same time, your body starts to release sweat through your skin to help keep it from getting too hot. You need to stay hydrated if you exercise for this very reason. Without an adequate supply of water, your body cannot sweat and your internal temperature will be too high for you to workout normally. If you do not sweat enough, you can also suffer from heat stroke or heat exhaustion.

3.    Helps Fight Sickness: Getting a fever is no fun. So when you get a fever, the first thing you do is run to the medicine cabinet to reduce it. However, a fever is actually your body's way of fighting off sickness by trying to help you sweat it out. If you are sick, it could actually be beneficial for you to try working out (provided, of course, you are able to do so) because sweating can help your body to get rid of your sickness.

Sweating is one of the best things that your body can do to help keep itself healthy. Though you probably do everything you can to stop your body from doing it, the physical act of sweating is therapeutic for your body. It helps your skin, which is your largest organ, to stay active (especially during the winter months) and it helps your internal organs to stay cool by lowering your overall body temperature. If you do not exercise or workout regularly, you probably do not sweat much. You should try to change this. At the very least, there are saunas and spas available to you that allow you to enjoy the benefits of sweating without ever setting foot in the gym. Try to sweat more often to help your body stay healthy.

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