The physical activity benefits listed below are amazing. Especially when you consider that the cost of regular exercise is nominal. What's more, it's so easy to cash in on all these health benefits of physical activity.
And just taking an old-fashioned daily walk can be enough.
Regular physical activity will greatly improve your mood and help you to live a long, happy, healthy life, free from the pain and suffering of disease.
Physical Activity Benefits Contributing to Health
One of the very most important things you can do for your health is regular exercise. Here are the ten main physical activity benefits.
· Helps you manage your weight. Physical activity not only burns calories, it also increases metabolism for up to 12 hours or more. And it can help you to both lose weight and keep it off permanently.
· Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Exercise also decreases triglycerides and LDL (bad) cholesterol while it increases HDL (good) cholesterol. And by reducing arterial plaque buildup, regular physical activity helps to keep your blood flowing smoothly.
· Reduces risks of cardiovascular disease. Exercise can lower your risk for two of the leading causes of death – heart disease and stroke. 20 to 30 minutes a day or more of physical activity decreases your chance of heart attack or dying from heart disease or stroke.
· Strengthens your bones and muscles. Regular physical activity, especially strength training, increases bone density and helps lower your risk of osteoporosis and hip fractures. It also helps reduce the pain that come with arthritis and other joint conditions.
· Improves your mental health and mood. Exercise releases "happy" hormones (endorphins), helps you sleep better, sharpens thinking and judgment skills and lessens feelings of anxiety, stress and depression.
· Reduces your risks for type 2 diabetes. By improving your weight, insulin sensitivity and blood sugar metabolism, regular physical activity decreases your chance of developing diabetes and reduces the severity and complications for those who have it.
· Helps your body absorb and use nutrients. Exercise is necessary to absorb nutrition from the food you eat and to eliminate toxins through sweat and healthy bowel movements. No matter how good your diet, without regular physical activity you can't be truly healthy.
· Increases your chances for a long life. Few lifestyle choices have as big an impact on your health as regular physical activity. Studies clearly show that exercise lessens your chance of dying early.
· Lowers your risk of some cancers. Physically active people have less risk of uterus cancer, lung cancer and 30–50% less chance of getting colon cancer. Active women have a lower risk of breast cancer and active men less risk of prostate cancer.
· Improves your ability to do daily activities. Regular physical activity with strength training helps to keep you sharp as you age, improves your breathing and balance and reduces your risk of falling.
And you can gain all these physical activity benefits cheaply and easily, in just thirty minutes a day. Plus everyone is eligible, no matter what age or size. Who knows, you might even grow to enjoy being more active.
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