Thursday, March 28, 2013

Encouraging break

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

When life has repeatedly dragged you down, that's a great time to remind yourself of how beautiful and joyful life can be. When it feels like you can't catch a break, that's a great time to give yourself a positive, encouraging break.

Sure, you've had a rough spell, and guess what? You've made it through.

Now is your opportunity to keep going. It won't be easy, and yet it may very well turn out to be the best thing that's ever happened to you.

Every difficult day makes you stronger. Every challenge you work through makes you that much more capable of working through even bigger and more rewarding challenges.

There is joy to be found in all of life, even in the painful times. There is goodness to be created in every situation, especially the difficult and trying ones.

Life can be tough, and yet you can always be stronger. Make the choice to take it in stride, and make the decision to be even better than you were before.

Whatever the situation

Ralph Marston - The Daily Motivator

Difficult people can be valuable teachers. Difficult situations can build strong and highly useful skills.

Challenges provide outstanding opportunities to be your best, and to get even better. Disappointments can help you more fully appreciate the good things you have.

Look for the positive possibilities in whatever happens. Those positive possibilities are most certainly there.

Instead of resenting where you are, or who you must deal with, or what you must do, find something positive. Find a way to grow, to learn, to appreciate, to become stronger and more highly skilled.

Instead of wishing for an easy situation, see and make the most of the value in whatever the situation may be. Always remember that life's fulfillment is not handed to you, but is created by you out of the reality that comes your way.

Embrace that reality, in all its many flavors. Find goodness and value in whatever may come, and you'll never have to worry about what may or may not happen next.

The 7 C's of Happiness

By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. has more than 30 years experience as a Life Coach and Licensed Psychologist. Dr. Thomas serves on the faculty of the Institute For Life Coach Training. In that capacity, he teaches advanced coaching teleclasses. To contact the Institute, call (970) 224-9830 or e-mail doccoach. Visit Contact Dr. Thomas at (970) 568-0173 or e-mail DrLloyd. To to his weekly column, Practical Psychology, e-mail your request to: PracticalPsychology-On and write "" in the subject line and an "X" in the body. Copyright © 2004 Lloyd J. Thomas

The American Declaration of Independence asserts that each one of us has the right to pursue happiness. It does not tell us how to pursue it. The Dalai Lama writes, "I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness...the very motion of our life is towards happiness." He does not tell us how to move so that we fulfill that life-purpose of happiness.

Perhaps all of your New Year's resolutions were aimed at seeking something better in your life. All of us are seeking more happiness. Regardless of age, ethnicity, religion or background, all of us experience problems that naturally arise in our daily lives. All of us will confront illness, old age and death. All of us will either overcome the daily difficulties that are bound to occur, or we will be overwhelmed by them, shrivel up and die. Trying to avoid them by simply not thinking about them may provide us with some temporary relief, but there are better methods for seeking and developing inner happiness.

What are the critical ingredients for experiencing genuine happiness? Here are seven elements of life that I believe are essential to the attainment of human happiness. I call them the "7 C's in the pursuit of happiness." One is not more important than any of the others.

Compassion: In order to evolve into a state of happiness, you must develop your in-born ability to care about life, to value life in all its forms, to engage in loving, kind actions, to cultivate an attitude of what Nobel laureate, Dr. Albert Schweitzer called "reverence for life," (including your own).

Contentment: Inner calm. Peace of mind and heart does not mean acceptance of everything that happens. It does mean letting go of fear. When you live life fearlessly, you experience a kind of peace that permeates every cell of your body, every thought of your mind, every emotion of your heart, every element of your spirit.

Connection: Without effectively connecting to other humans, you become less than human yourself. Connection means involving yourself in relationship to everyone around you, connecting to your own inner life, and becoming aware of the environment in which you live. Learn to create high-quality relationships, and your happiness is almost guaranteed.

Communication: Communication is our primary method for connection. It increases your knowledge, your understanding, and your awareness. Language is precious. Words are the building blocks of all happiness.

Commitment: Oprah Winfrey says that what motivates her to get up in the morning is "my commitment to my life and fulfilling my life purpose." If one of your life's purposes is to enhance your happiness, committing your life to the service of others brings more happiness than you can imagine. Happiness requires you commit yourself to something larger than yourself.

Consciousness: Most spiritual teachers believe we are living in a sleep-like or dream state. In order to be happy, one must increase one's awareness of life. And the single awareness that is most conducive to happiness is: the impermanence of everything. Life is in a constant state of flux, of change, of rhythm and of evolution.

Creativity: Creating your life experience by consciously choosing your thoughts, your actions, your decisions and your attitudes will allow you to attain personal happiness regardless of external circumstances.

The pursuit of happiness is not something you search for or attain from outside your skin. Happiness develops from within. You were born to be happy. You were given life to experience happiness.  Pursuing it is your right. Sail the 7 C's of happiness and the pursuit of it becomes obvious and being alive becomes the happiest of moments

The 7 C's of Unhappiness

By Lloyd J. Thomas, Ph.D. has more than 30 years experience as a Life Coach and Licensed Psychologist. Dr. Thomas serves on the faculty of the Institute For Life Coach Training. In that capacity, he teaches advanced coaching teleclasses. To contact the Institute, call (970) 224-9830 or e-mail doccoach. Visit Contact Dr. Thomas at (970) 568-0173 or e-mail DrLloyd. To to his weekly column, Practical Psychology, e-mail your request to: PracticalPsychology-On and write "" in the subject line and an "X" in the body. Copyright © 2004 Lloyd J. Thomas

We seem to have an unlimited capacity for making our lives unhappy. Despite the Declaration of Independence, most of us fail to exercise our inalienable right to pursue happiness.

I've shared with you the 7 C's of generating happiness in our lives. Now, I want to identify the 7 C's for making our lives unhappy. They are not presented in any order of importance. If practiced regularly, any one of these C's will enable you to make your life miserable.

Complaining: No one likes a complainer. Complainers don't even like themselves. Complaining, especially about things you are unwilling or unable to change, merely splashes negativity on your life-experiences. If you desire much unhappiness in the coming year, complain about everything. The antidote to complaining is appreciation.

Controlling: The only thing you can control in your life is your choices and your responses to life events. You do not have the power to control events that occur outside your skin. You are powerless to control others' behavior. Trying to control that over which you have no power merely breeds internal frustration and anger. Anger and fear are the two most damaging emotions to your happiness. If you want to double-up on your unhappiness, try complaining about your unsuccessful attempts to control others. The antidote to controlling is acceptance.

Conflicting: The most unhappy people are the one's who perceive every situation as a conflict. They rarely feel safe. They usually believe themselves to be inadequate. They often become aggressive and destructive. And the most stressful emotion you can experience is "vengefulness." And we certainly know that the higher your stress level, the more unhappy you are. The antidote to conflict is mutual cooperation.

Criticizing: People who are always judgmental and critical of life, usually include themselves in their criticism. Criticism always hurts both the critic and the target of criticism. The harsh internal critic generates guilt, shame and anxiety. It is virtually impossible to feel happy when you experience guilt, shame and anxiety most of the time. The antidotes for criticism are praise and acknowledgment.

Castigating: Webster defines castigating as: "to correct or subdue by punishing." Blaming and punishing others merely invites defensiveness, retaliation or abandonment. If you blame others, you undercut your own sense of adequacy and increase your dependency. Feelings of inadequacy and dependency do, however, increase your level of unhappiness. Besides, the Declaration of Independence does not assert that punishing others is an inalienable right. The antidote for castigating is affirmation.

Compromising: Sometimes reaching a compromise in conflict situations is the best solution. When you compromise your own values, you betray yourself. Self-betrayal always generates intense unhappiness. Never compromise what you genuinely believe in. Always believe in yourself and your ability to create joy in your life. The antidote for compromising is faithfulness.

Competing: Yes, I know the benefits that can be derived from competition. But competition with others divides your relationships into winners and losers. And you will not be able to win at everything you attempt. Eventually, competitors become unable to compete and then their lives feel very empty. The antidotes for competing are cooperation, collaboration and connection.

There they are...the 7 C's of great unhappiness. If you refine these 7 C's, you enhance your ability to make your life very miserable. And if we all strengthen our capacity for unhappiness, we most certainly will succeed at deadening the joy of being alive.

Indulge! Chocolate is good for you

Fruits and vegetables are not the only things which can keep your body healthy and glowing. Something as sinful as a dark chocolate can work wonders for your skin too. Read on

Chocolate, which was usually considered to be an indulgence which would add inches to your waist, suddenly has become the hottest thing in beauty circles. After all, which other thing is so yummy and also so good for your body? So let’s have a look at some of the amazing things chocolate can do for you.

Sun Protection
Problem: Don’t know how to protect your skin from sun damage?

Our yummy solution: Dark chocolate which is extracted from cacao beans contains flavonoids or antioxidants. A research conducted by the Journal of Nutrition has found out that people who eat dark chocolate have a smoother skin texture, experience twenty five percent less redness when exposed to the sun and their skin remains hydrated for a longer duration. Chocolate can even fight premature skin discoloration.

Quick fact: Dark chocolate has more antioxidants than red wine or green tea.

Anti-ageing properties
Problem: Are you on the wrong side of twenties? Fear not, dark chocolate has come to your rescue.

Our yummy solution: Flavonoids, along with protecting you from the sun helps your skin retain its elasticity and also keeps wrinkles away. They also encourage skin cell regeneration which ensures that your skin looks and feels younger for a long time.

Quick fact: The more bitter a chocolate is, higher the number of flavonoids it contain.

Stress buster
Problem: Are too many deadlines in office causing your skin to suffer?

Our yummy solution: The biggest threat to our skin today is high stress levels. Dark chocolate reduces stress hormones which ensure lesser collagen breakdown. This translates to glowing skin and fewer wrinkles.

Quick fact: You must always opt for bars which have at least 70 percent cacao content.

Detoxifying properties
Problem: Your skin feels oily and clammy.

Our yummy solution: Dark chocolate when combined with caffeine is a natural way to detox your body. It promotes blood circulation and nourishes your skin. A chocolate wrap exfoliates dead skin cells and allows your pores to breathe freely. So, the next time you decide to pamper yourself in a spa, opt for a chocolate based treatment.

Quick fact: Dark Chocolate contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, Vitamin A, B1, C, D and E.

Protect your teeth
Problem: Cavities and other dental problems.

Our yummy solution: Everybody hates taking that annual trip to the dentist to get their teeth examined. But this time around, you can visit your dentist with a broad smile thanks to a secret we are going to share. Dark chocolate helps hardening tooth enamel, which means that you are less prone to cavities.

Quick fact: Surprisingly, 12 grams of dark chocolate a day, keeps the dentist away.

12 pregnancy foods you must have

Smriti Talwar Chhabra

Welcome Little is a programme specially designed for the expecting parents to prepare them for welcoming their little one

Here is the list of pregnancy foods packed with plenty of nutrients for mommy-to-be and baby.

1. Green leafy vegetables
Leafy greens are rich in folic acid, iron (blood), vitamin A (eye-sight, skin and bone growth), potassium, fibre and calcium. Try to add spinach to your meal everyday.

2. Vegetable and fruits
These are rich in nutrients like vitamins, folic acid, potassium and fibre. Fruits not only help in easy digestion but also help during morning sickness. You must add at least two variety of fruits and two of vegetables to your meal each day.

3. Fresh fruit juice
Fluid intake is absolute must during pregnancy. Apart from having lots of filtered water you must also add a glass or two of fresh juice to your diet. Citrus fruit juices (orange, grapefruit) are best source of Vitamin C.

4. Tender coconut water
Tender coconut water is a wonderful source of various nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, folate and a number of B vitamins. This helps in preventing fatigue and dehydration and also helps in digestion. Try to add one portion of coconut water each day.

5. Milk
Milk is full of calcium and is must to have during pregnancy. It is good for bone development of baby and also to keep mother healthy.

6. Cottage cheese (Paneer)/Tofu
Paneer is rich in calcium, proteins and Vitamin B. You can add 100-200 gms of paneer to your meal each day.

7. Curd/Yogurt
Yogurt is not only rich in calcium as milk, but also is a wonderful source of proteins, folic acid and Vitamin B. Butter milk (Chhachh/lassi) is also recommended.

8. Oats/Dalia
Wonderful source of fibres and proteins. Keeps your bowel movements under control. A must during pregnancy.

9. Daal (Lentils) -- whole, half and sprouted
Besides providing proteins and fibre, these are wonderful source of iron, folic acid, zinc and calcium. A bowl of daal each day is recommended. You also should add one bowl of sprout daal.

10. Nuts
These easy to carry snacks are rich in good fats, proteins, fibre, vitamins and minerals. You can munch them in between the meals.

11. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes are full of nutritious fibre, vitamin B6, potassium (even more than bananas have!), vitamin C and iron, as well as copper and beta-carotene (needed by your body for iron absorbtion).

12. Eggs
Eggs are good source of protein that provides amino acids you and your baby need. They contain more than a dozen vitamins and minerals, including choline, which is good for baby's brain development. Be sure you don't eat raw/undercooked eggs.

Moving to GM Role?

You have spent long and hard in a functional role, rising to "manager of accounting" or "maintenance manager" or "HR manager" or any number of other management roles.  Now you want to move up a step to General Manager*.

What do you need to do now to prove that you are ready for the move up?  Here is what I look for in a potential General Manager.

Leadership skills
I look for evidence that a candidate has demonstrated most of the following skills in his or her current role:

·         Business acumen - understanding the basic drivers of our business and comfort with the three basic financial reports (P&L statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement) and ratio analysis

·         Thinking strategically

·         Planning, budgeting and cost control

·         Driving for, and getting results through others, including executing strategic and tactical plans

·         Developing resources, especially people and teams - including hiring, firing, retaining and developing direct reports (monthly coaching sessions are one great tool for making this happen)

·         Workplace culture development

·         Delegation and follow-through - and keeping commitments

·         Learning on the fly

·         Influencing, and building trust

·         Conflict resolution

·         Communicating effectively - in writing, on the phone, over email, in person, in front of groups

·         Listening

·         Managing change

·         Making decisions at the appropriate level of risk

·         Priority setting

·         Problem solving - alone, and with others

·         Self-awareness and self-development

Functional knowledge
I look for deep knowledge in at least one functional area.  In addition, I want to see that the candidate has stretched out in order to have an impact on other functions.  For example, a manager of operations should have shown the ability to add value on sales calls.  Functions you should be aware of and be able to contribute ideas to might include:

·         Human Resource management

·         Accounting and finance

·         IT

·         Environmental controls

·         Engineering

·         Logistics

·         Maintenance

·         Manufacturing/operations

·         Purchasing

·         Sales and Marketing

·         Customer service and order fulfillment

·         External relations

If you are aspiring to a GM role, what are you doing to demonstrate these skills and knowledge?  If you are already a GM, what would you add or take away from this list?

*A general manager usually has responsibility for all aspects of one segment of the business:  finance, accounting, sales and marketing, human resources, operations, purchasing and so one.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Worst mistakes you can make on a new job


The first 90 days will make or break your success, say experts.

The biggest challenge after you've finally landed a new job is yet to come, as experts warn that the first 90 days will make or break your success.

Career expert Russell Johnson said that the biggest mistake people make when they start in a new workplace is they don't realise how important the first three months actually are.

"The first day is the most important day, first week is the most important week, and by the time the first 90 days are over you're either in or you're toast," quoted Johnson, managing director of EPR Career Management as saying.

"It's simply that people are making their impression and first impressions are notoriously difficult to change -- we make them emotionally, non-rationally, and intuitively," he said.

Johnson said that another major blunder people often make is they feign too much confidence and don't ask for enough help.

"If you ask for help you're basically acknowledging 'I'm a newcomer here and there's a lot I don't understand'," he said.

Johnson said that by asking for assistance you will learn more and you will create relationships with your colleagues.

Another mistake people make in new jobs is they put off difficult tasks in favour of doing easy things.

Johnson said that relationships will make or break your career -- but some people make the mistake of being dragged into gossip in an effort to fit in.

He also said that it would also be a mistake to stay and "try to make the best of it" in a toxic workplace you can't change.

Another major mistake people make is they don't speak up when their new job is different from what they were promised, Mike Roddy from recruitment firm Randstad said.

He said that you should not feel too nervous to bring it up with your boss, because the employer has made an investment by hiring you and it is in their interests to make sure you stay.

8 Weird things men like in women

Misha Paul

Men are crazy. And they get crazier when they see you approach them in those red pumps and skinny jeans with a baggy and casual tee in style and confidence.

Although there are a thousand things that make you irresistible, here are the top most unbelievable ones:

1.    No make-up: Oops. Sorry girl. There's a great chance that your guy hasn't even noticed your smokey eyes or the new bronzer on your face. Save money and turn him on!

2.    Lingerie that doesn't match: And you thought you should pair your lacy, satin purple panties with a purple bra? Show him that you are unprepared and yet give in to his desires and make yourself hotter!

3.    Wit: You thought it was all about physical contact? Crack a joke or flash your smile and he's sure to get wooed! Tip: It's better still if you are game even for jokes that are played on you. And why not? It just proves how self-assured you are.

4.    Curvy is sexy: He doesn't like flat abs and zero sizes. Men love love-handles.

5.    Intelligence, confidence, emotional maturity and sexual openness: Flaunt your real self (sans the gloss), support him when he is down, talk dirty and show your sensual attitude, and girl, you've got him!

6.    Wearing a baggy tee to bed: Stay casual and he'll be more comfortable in your company. Don't intimidate him by being prim always or sounding like a know-it-all.

7.    Unkempt hair: Whoa, why get prim and proper when your man likes your out-of-the-bed hair or smudged kohl eyes?

8.    Eye contact: Make yourself irresistible by looking at his eyes and putting across your point. Don't be shy.

Reasons your period is delayed

Shikha Desai, TNN

Many factors can affect your menstrual cycle. While it may be nice to get a break from it, the irregularity can also be unnerving. Here are the reasons your period can be late

1. Too much stress
Stress is one reason your period may be delayed. We all have a very hectic lifestyle and stress causes a havoc on our body and affects our hormones. Yes, there are times when stress is unavoidable, but try and find ways to relax and de-stress. Make time for yourself and do what makes you happy.

2. Change in schedule
Even something as simple as a change in schedule can be a reason your period is late. If you recently switched from working days to working nights, your period is likely to go for a toss as your body is trying to adapt to the change in schedule. Hormones can be quite sensitive.

3. You exercise a lot
Amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) in athletes is called exercise-associated amenorrhea. In athletes, intense training and quick weight loss can affect period. If you suddenly start exercising and working out, you tend to miss your period. Exercise affects the menstrual cycle by elevating the metabolism. Metabolism is responsible for essentially sustaining chemical reactions in the body like menstruation.

4. Birth Control pills
Birth control can also affect woman's menstrual flow. Many women use birth control pills to control their period, either to regulate when their period happens, have a lighter period or preventing a period from occurring every month. But if you haven't taken birth control pills to delay your period, check for its side effects. If you are still not sure if your birth control is the reason your period is delayed ask your doctor.

5. You're pregnant
Delayed or missed period is one of the main signs that you are pregnant. If you are trying to get pregnant or are an adult in a stable and committed relationship then being pregnant isn't a bad thing. However, if you are young, single, or not ready for a baby, then being pregnant is something you should get worried about. One way to deal with this is get a pregnancy tester home and take a test yourself. If the test is not clear, you can also consult a doctor for the same. Expert guidance always works best.

Top antioxidant rich foods!

Antioxidants are highly essential today, considering the worldwide spread of different cancers and other life-threatening health conditions.

By Mdhil

Be it a short trip to the supermarket, or a visit to the local vegetable market, here is a list of foods that are packed with antioxidants, and you should definitely be getting them home.

Probably the most versatile fruit (yes fruit!); tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, which is an amazing antioxidant that you can put to use. Also, tomatoes give you that extra boost of vitamins A and C, which help keep the body functioning to its optimum level.

Best of all, the tomato ketchup that you use so liberally, also contains a huge amount of lycopene.

A favorite in the monsoons, corn is packed full of antioxidants lutein, zeaxanthin and vitamin C. Plus, it helps protect your eyes, so be sure to load up on these on your next trip to the supermarket.

You may hate it for all the reasons, but the fact is, Popeye got the girl (and his muscles too) thanks to this one single greenie. Loaded with iron, and an amazing blood purifier, spinach is one of the best foods to add to your diet. It also contains the antioxidant lutein, and the essentials beta carotene and zeaxanthin which help protect your body against the various ill-effects of free radical damage.

Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries are not just meant to be in your ice creams, make it a point to eat these fruits raw, or as juices. Loaded with vitamin C, anthocyanins and quercetin, these berries can be added to your morning cereal, or whip up a handful of berries with a cup of yogurt, for freshly prepared fruit yogurt.

Bell peppers
They come in three colors and make your salads and pizzas colorful, but that’s just food for the eye. It may seem to be untrue, but bell peppers have more vitamin C than an orange; all the more reason to add them to your pizza toppings. Also, the threesome is known for their abundance in vitamins A, C and E.

It adds flavor to your dishes, and keeps your heart healthy, but there’s much more to this teeny tiny herb than just this. Garlic helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol and acts as a natural antibiotic. Just a clove of garlic contains vitamins A, C, E and the essential minerals selenium, sodium, iodine, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Got hired? Consider these suggestions

You’re starting a new job. You’re good at what you do... or at least you were good at what you did at your old job. But now you’re unproven.

Now you need to get off to a great start... and you don’t have a lot of time to make that happen. If you’re a senior executive you probably have three months to stake out your position and take a few major – and visible – steps.

If you’re lower on the corporate ladder you might have even less time.

I haven’t started a new job in forever, so I found someone better to give advice: Jim Whitehurst. He’s gone from a management consultant at Boston Consulting Group to Treasurer and then Chief Operating Officer of Delta Airlines and is now the CEO of Red Hat, the $1.1 billion open source software company.

So yeah, he’s successfully started a few new jobs.

Here’s Jim on how to get off to the perfect start in your new job:

Deeply understand how the business creates value.
Obviously you need to learn how to do your job well, but more than that you need to understand the company’s competitive advantage and underlying value proposition to make sure those things happen.

Don’t assume your predecessor did.

When I reflect on what I do at Red Hat and what I did at Delta it’s absolutely night and day. I didn’t think about it at the time, but when I think back to Delta I realize I was pretty hard on people. An airline is a pennies and nickels kind of business with single-digit margins -- if you’re lucky. So I would challenge and direct and correct… I was extremely focused on execution and spent the majority of my time going through the details.

At Red Hat my focus is on talking to customers, to M & A prospects, to partners, to CIOs to find out where they think the future of tech is going…. We’re outward facing, customer facing, and all about the future, while the airline business is pretty well defined and the goal is to optimize within that box. Strategic long-term planning is a much bigger part of what I do now than it was at Delta.

Don’t assume the way you did your old job, or the way your new job was done before, is the way it should be done now.

If you want to succeed – and move up to higher levels – take the time to figure out how the company truly creates value.

Learn how to serve all of your constituents.
You may have direct reports. You may have external customers. You definitely have internal customers. Often many of your constituents have little to do with what you might think is your job.

In my role, over half of my time is not spent “running the business.” Talking to the press, to board members, investors, analysts, engaging in civic responsibilities (because you can’t be a leader without being a leader in the community where that company lives and works)….

At first I got frustrated by those demands. Then I realized I couldn’t run a full schedule the way I once did. I needed to be on the phone talking to legislators about issues. I needed to be on the phone with the governor-elect when he asked if I would host a session to get input from business leaders. All that "stuff" is really important to our company and our community.

You’ll start a job with certain expectations, but once you understand the needs of all your constituents you must redefine how you see your job and the way you perform it.

Learn about all of your constituents and determine how to serve them while creating value for your company. That might sound contradictory, but when you deeply understand how the company creates value and you deeply understand your constituents, it's not.

Stay focused on what you do best.
You were hired for a reason. Don’t lose sight of that reason as you take on your new duties.

Sometimes a company hires a new employee because they need specific things done and that person has done those things before. Sometimes a company hires a new employee who has the attributes they need instead of the person with the “right” set of skills experiences.

Often it’s a blend of both: You’re hired because of your skills and qualifications… but also because you bring qualities and attributes the company needs.

Never lose sight of what makes you different. You possess qualities and attributes other people don’t. That’s why you were hired.

Use them. But make sure you also...

Show what you will do differently.
Never assume what made you successful at one job will make you successful at your new job. Many executives fail because they try to apply what was successful in the past to a new business.

Understand the company’s competitive advantage, understand the needs of all your constituents, and decide how you can leverage your skills, experiences, and intangibles to stake out a position and take the job to another level.

Work extremely hard to deliver value... and soon the company may decide to take you to another level.