Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How to stress less

How to stress less
Daily stress from your job, your girlfriend or even your bank statement can all build up and become overwhelming leaving you feeling like you're in a hole. While we often do not realize how much control we have over our mood, paying closer attention to ourselves instead of the little things that drag us down could make all the difference in the world.

Stress is important to combat because letting bad emotions get the best of you can harm your health, your psyche and even your sex drive. The way a person feels inside gets projected on to those around them, and no one wants to be that guy at the party. Stress tends to hit more people during the winter months because the days are shorter and less sunlight is available. Studies have shown a negative correlation between stress/depression and sunlight; in severe cases this is commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder.

People underestimate the power your mental health has on your physical health. Negative thoughts can throw your whole body out of whack and your chances of becoming sick become much higher. Stress has been shown to escalate baldness, deteriorate health, deteriorate looks (including getting wrinkles and grey hairs), cause mood swings, constipation and almost always causes individuals to make bad choices. One bad choice could really follow you for the rest of your days. So it is vital that you learn to cope and reduce everyday stress; your quality of life depends on it.

Reducing stress is also about making the choice to get out of that 'funk.' The key is deciding to do something about it; once you have done that the battle is nearly over. All you need to do now is to use these tips to relax, unwind and you will be back to normal in no time.

Doing simple moves or mediations throughout the day, no matter where you are, can help relax your mind and release tension throughout your body. Try starting with a yawn. You will probably find yourself yawning in your afternoon workday anyway, in fact just reading about yawning has been shown to make people yawn, so use them to your advantage. It is thought that yawning is a sign of the body shifting its energy and mood. Allow yourself to stretch out your body and open up to a new frame of mind with a yawn. It'll get your blood flowing and calm you down all at once.

Our bodies are machines and keeping them healthily fueled can make a huge difference in our resistance to stress. Eating large meals throughout the day is hard on your metabolism, overall energy and can lead to weight gain (which can be stressful), so focus on eating small meals throughout the day. This will keep your energy up and mind focused. Snack on nuts, fruit and even dark chocolate (it contains plenty of antioxidants). Avoid large meals in the middle of the day like that cheeseburger and fries for lunch because heavy greasy foods can slow your performance.

Staying hydrated is key to maintaining a good balance in the body. Headaches and fatigue can set in when you are not well-hydrated making concentration nearly impossible when you have a 'million things' that need to get done. Drink water throughout the day and avoid too much caffeine. If you prefer something other than water, juices and herbal teas are great choices. Because herbal teas are not made with tealeaves they usually do not have caffeine and provide an alternative to coffee and soda which can still perk you up.

Rock Out
They say 'music relaxes the soul' and jamming out to your favorite song or singing at the top of your lungs has been shown to loosen up muscles and revive your mood. Can't play the air guitar in the office? Bring earphones and listen to music on your computer or mp3 player when you need to escape for a minute. Just hearing a favorite song can dramatically ease your mind, so crank it up.

Get outside
Warm weather or cold weather, a little fresh air and sun can lighten a person's mood tremendously. People feel they are confined to be indoors during the winter, but there are plenty of reasons to get out there and enjoy the brisk air. Go snowboarding or skiing for a weekend to decompress. No time off? Just walking the dog, or sitting on a bench and taking in your surroundings everyday can connect you with nature and is a great way to clear your mind.

Besides the many other reasons you should exercise, regular exercise is one of the most effective physical stress-reduction techniques available. Aside from just improving your health, it also relaxes tense muscles and helps you to sleep easier thereby allowing you to reduce stress in a quicker and more effective manner. It also improves blood flow to your brain, bringing additional sugars and oxygen that may be needed. By exercising, you speed the flow of blood and remove waste products faster in addition to releasing endorphins into your blood stream. Endorphins will cause you to feel happy, energetic and positively affect your sense of well-being.

Getting enough sleep is something too many young adults do not do. Life is so fast paced now that every second counts in order to get it all done in a day. That can mean pulling all-nighters, whether it's a night out with friends or burning the 'midnight fuel' at the office. A lack of sleep can alter a person's mood and make them irritable and more prone to stress. Hitting the sheets at a reasonable hour and creating a space of tranquility in the bedroom will make sleep more effective and keep a person's mind and body well balanced.

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