Friday, May 31, 2013

Your brain, lungs, sex life: How smoking RUINS your health


Since it's No Tobacco Day today, here's some added incentive to help you kick the butt.

Did you know that nicotine from cigarettes is as addictive as heroin? Or that the alveoli in your lungs are permanently destroyed by smoking?

In the following pages, we bring you a variety of health issues brought on by the habit.

How smoking affects your brain
Nicotine from cigarettes is as addictive as heroin. It is tough to fight nicotine addiction, as the brain develops extra nicotine receptors to accommodate the large doses of nicotine from tobacco.

Initially when you quit smoking, the brain stops getting the nicotine it's used to and you start feeling anxious, irritable and have strong cravings for it.

Quitting smoking helps break the cycle of addiction and the large number of nicotine receptors in your brain will return to normal levels after about a month of having quit.

How smoking affects your lungs
Smoking causes inflammation in the small airways and tissues of your lungs, leading to shortness of breath, your chest feeling tight or causing you to wheeze.

Continued inflammation in the lungs builds up scar tissue, which leads to physical changes to your lungs and airways that can make breathing hard.

You may suffer from chronic cough and mucus if your lungs are affected for years.

Scarring of the lungs is not reversible and before you inflict permanent damage on them, it is important to quit smoking.

Smoking and emphysema
Smoking destroys the tiny air sacs or alveoli in the lungs that allow oxygen exchange. Alveoli don't grow back and are permanently destroyed by smoking.

Emphysema develops when enough alveoli are destroyed and causes severe shortness of breath, which can lead to death.

Note that there is no cure for emphysema, but quitting smoking early, before you have inflicted years of damage to the delicate air sacs in your lungs, will help protect you from developing emphysema.

Smoking and respiratory infections
Smokers get more colds and respiratory infections than non-smokers, as smoking temporarily paralyses and even kills cilia that are found in the airways, which help sweep out mucus and dirt so your lungs stay clear.

When you quit smoking, cilia start to re-grow and regain normal function very quickly, as they are one of the first things in your body to heal.

People sometimes cough more than usual when they first quit smoking and this is actually a sign that the cilia in their lungs are re-growing and working properly.

How smoking damages your heart
Smoking is one of the leading causes of heart attacks and heart disease -- many heart risks can be reversed simply by quitting smoking.

The nicotine in cigarettes stimulates your body to produce adrenaline, which makes your heart beat faster and raises your blood pressure, making your heart work harder.

Smoking tends to increase your blood pressure and puts stress on your heart, and over time makes it pump less blood to other parts of your body.

Carbon monoxide from inhaled cigarette smoke contributes to a lack of oxygen, making the heart work harder, thus increasing the risk of heart disease.

Quitting smoking helps lower your blood pressure and heart rate almost immediately;

Your risk of a heart attack starts declining within 24 hours of quitting.

How smoking affects arteries and blocks blood flow
Smoking increases the amount of cholesterol and unhealthy fats circulating in the blood, leading to unhealthy fatty deposits on the walls of your arteries. This fatty deposit build-up narrows the arteries and blocks normal blood flow to the heart, brain, and legs. Blockage in the blood vessels of your legs may result in the amputation of your toes or feet.

Quitting smoking will definitely not get rid of the fatty deposits that are already there, but will help lower the levels of cholesterol and fats circulating in your blood, which will help to slow the build-up of new fatty deposits in your arteries.

How smoking affects DNA
Your body is made up of cells that contain genetic material, or DNA, that is important for cell growth and function.

Every single puff of a cigarette causes damage to your DNA and when too many cells grow out of control, it leads to development of a cancer or tumour. Your body tries to repair the damage that smoking does to your DNA, but over time, smoking can wear down this repair system and lead to cancer.

Quitting smoking will prevent new DNA damage, plus can help repair the damage that has already been done, thus reducing your risk of getting cancer.

How smoking affects your immune system
Cigarette smoke contains high levels of chemicals and tar, which can make your immune system less effective at fighting off infections. A weak immune system makes you vulnerable over the years to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

Smoking also decreases your body's ability to fight off cancer.

Within the first few hours of quitting smoking, the elevated amount of nicotine and carbon monoxide in your system begins to return to normal. Within a month, your risk of infections decreases and three months after quitting, your body is able to repair itself much more efficiently than while you were smoking.

How smoking affects your white blood cells
Smokers have higher levels of white blood cells, or the blood cells that defend your body from infections. Basically this is a sign that the body is constantly fighting against inflammations and damage caused by tobacco.

In simpler words, a high white blood cell count is a signal from your body to let you know you've been injured.

When you quit smoking, your body will begin to heal from the damage caused by smoking and over time your white blood cell count will return to normal.

White blood cell counts that stay elevated for a long time are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, strokes and cancer.

How smoking affects your sexual health
Smoking increases the risk of erectile dysfunction and the toxins from cigarette smoke can also damage the genetic material in sperm, which can cause infertility or genetic defects in your children.

Smoking lowers a female's level of estrogen. Low estrogen levels can cause dry skin, thinning hair, and memory problems. Women who smoke have a harder time getting pregnant and having a healthy baby. Smoking can also lead to early menopause.

Quit smoking to improve your chances of having a healthy sexual life

How smoking affects your bone health
Over time, smoking leads to a thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density, causing the bones to become weak and brittle. Compared to non-smokers, smokers have a higher risk of bone fractures, and their broken bones take longer to heal.

Quitting smoking can reduce your risk of fractures, and lower your risk of developing osteoporosis.

How smoking affects muscles
When you smoke, less blood and oxygen flow to your muscles, making it harder to build muscle, plus the lack of oxygen tires your muscles easily. Smokers have more muscle aches and pains than non-smokers.

Quitting smoking will help increase the availability of oxygen in your blood, and your muscles will become stronger and healthier.

How smoking affects your eyes, ears and mouth
Smoking causes physical changes in the eyes that can threaten your eyesight, as nicotine from cigarettes restricts the production of a chemical necessary for you to be able to see at night. Smoking increases your risk of developing cataracts and macular degeneration.

Smoking reduces the oxygen supply to the cochlea, an organ in the inner ear and this may lead to permanent damage to the cochlea and mild to moderate hearing loss.

Quitting smoking will improve your night vision and keep your hearing sharp.

Research states that smokers have more oral health problems than non-smokers, like mouth sores, ulcers, gum disease and more cavities.

Smokers are also at a high risk of developing cancers of the mouth and throat.

Natural remedies to LOWER high blood pressure

High blood pressure can boost the risks of leading killers such as heart attack and stroke, as well as aneurysms, cognitive decline, and kidney failure.

While medication can lower blood pressure, it may cause side effects such as leg cramps, dizziness, and insomnia. Luckily, most people can bring down their blood pressure naturally without medication.

Here are top 13 natural alternatives to prescribed drugs, according to ABC News.

Go for power walks
Hypertensive patients who go for fitness walks at a brisk pace lower pressure by almost 8 mmhg over 6 mmhg.

Exercise helps the heart use oxygen more efficiently, so it does not work as hard to pump blood.

Slow breathing and meditative practices such as qi gong, yoga, and tai chi decrease stress hormones, which elevate renin, a kidney enzyme that raises blood pressure.

So try 5 minutes in the morning and at night. Inhale deeply and expand your belly. Exhale and release all of your tension.

Eat potatoes
Loading up on potassium-rich fruits and vegetables is an important part of any blood pressure-lowering programme, according to Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medical.

Reduce salt in your diet
Lower salt intake to 1,500 mg daily, says Eva Obarzanek, PhD, a research nutritionist at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

Indulge in dark chocolate
Dark chocolate varieties contain flavanols that make blood vessels more elastic. In one study, 18 percent of patients who ate it every day saw blood pressure decrease.

Take a supplement
In a review of 12 studies, researchers found that coenzyme Q10 reduced blood pressure by up to 17 mmhg over 10 mmhg.

Reduce alcohol intake
According to a review of 15 studies, the less you drink, the lower your blood pressure will drop — to a point.

Switch to decaf coffee
A study from Duke University Medical Center found that caffeine consumption of 500 mg — roughly three 8-ounce cups of coffee — increased blood pressure by 4 mmhg, and that effect lasted until bedtime.

Drink tea
Study participants who sipped 3 cups of a hibiscus tea daily lowered systolic blood pressure by 7 points in 6 weeks on average, said researchers from Tufts University — results on par with many prescription medications.

Work (a bit) less
Putting in more than 41 hours per week at the office raises your risk of hypertension by 15 percent, according to a University of California, Irvine, study of 24,205 California residents.

Relax with music
Listening to soothing classical, Celtic, or Indian music for 30 minutes daily while breathing slowly helps lower blood pressure, according to researchers at the University of Florence in Italy.

Relax with music
Listening to soothing classical, Celtic, or Indian music for 30 minutes daily while breathing slowly helps lower blood pressure, according to researchers at the University of Florence in Italy.

Seek help for snoring
University of Alabama researchers found that many sleep apnea sufferers had high levels of aldosterone, a hormone that can boost blood pressure.

Jump for soy
A study from Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association found for the first time that replacing some of the refined carbohydrates in your diet with foods high in soy or milk protein, such as low-fat dairy, can bring down systolic blood pressure if you have hypertension or pre hypertension.

10 deadly sins that keep you poor

Wonder why you’re always out of cash? These are poor habits that keep you from getting rich. These are mostly spending sins.

The author P V Subramanyam is a Chartered Accountant by qualification and a financial trainer by profession. Writing being a passion he also regularly pens his thought in his blog

1.    Using credit cards or debit cards:
The card has become such an important part of our lives we cannot live without it. I have always argued that the card dramatically reduces our need to print notes, etc…however if you wish to reduce your expenses, stop using the card, shift to cash.

2.    Emotional Shopping:
Stop and think why you are buying things. Is it because you had a fight? an argument with your boss? time-pass? as entertainment? you have been waiting for a friend and you were supposed to meet in a mall? Or do you really need the things that you are staring at in a shop? Instant gratification is great – so what if it creates debt in the long run?

3.    Entitlement shopping:
Amazing how many people think ‘this much is basic’ how can I not travel by air, taxi, auto…or ‘it is my wedding anniversary, I MUST BUY HER a diamond ring’ or ‘sir we just need an I pad’ . Amusing to see kids buying a mobike, car, house, …all on such ‘sir everybody borrows to buy a house’ theory. Entitlement based on dad’s earnings is even funnier to watch.

4.    Peer pressure:
Where you live, what you buy, where you eat out, what you do – all this is decided by colleagues, classmates, etc. who are actually chasing you. Funny situation is it not? No clue who is chasing whom – seem to be running in circles and wondering where have they reached!

5.    Addictions can be expensive:
Shopping, tobacco, eating at fancy joints, buying expensive things, alcohol, travel – anything which becomes an obsession or addiction sucks money out of your system, and fast!

6.    A victim of the media:
Today your entertainment has to be going to a mall, bowling, playing other games, movies or eating out. To imagine that reading a book, carrom, going for a walk, cycling around, etc – those which you can do together but does not cost money have been so beautifully killed as entertainment thoughts! Wow media, you have achieved your goals!

7.    Self worth is completely dependent on what you have.
So all ‘show off ‘ assets HAVE to be branded. There is a whole gen out there which has been beautifully told that Brand = Value. Excellent for me as a shareholder of cos. where I am a shareholder…but it is hurting you like mad, wake up!

8.    No plan:
No plan of expenditure, career, savings, retirement, …so it hardly matters.

9.    No understanding of investment concepts
Like start early, compounding, power of small numbers – leading to fatalistic statements like – what will I be able to do saving Rs. 4000 a month? or I will never be able to buy a house in Mumbai, so let me live it up!

10. One more loan won’t matter
I anyway have X amount of student debt, x amount of car debt, y amount of personal debt…so what if I added another small amount

Why do women feel guilty?

Mumbai Mirror

Do you find yourself burying your head in shame each time you fail to be a perfect hostess, or when you say no? Here's how to stop whipping yourself

Are you sick of reading about how an amazing lettuce-only diet will make you happier, or how decluttering your home could transform your sex life? You're not the only one. After all, you have enough to feel guilty about without worrying about your love handles or your kids' confidence. According to a recent study, 96 per cent of women feel guilty at least once a day. This can have a destructive effect on our health, even factoring in the onset of depression. Here's how to cancel guilt trips.

No time for kids
Since most mothers now go out to work, women are expected to balance a happy home life with the demands of a job. But a startling majority feels like they haven't got the balance right. If you're at work worrying about the children, work isn't getting the best out of you and the kids aren't getting anything. Anxiety is rehearsing for tomorrow and reliving the past — stay in the here and now. When you're at work, be 100 per cent at work and when you're with your children, be 100 per cent with them. That way everyone benefits.

Not losing extra kilos
Women are so demoralised from being bombarded with images of "perfect" models that their default mode for shape and size tends to be set at "dissatisfaction". More than 70 per cent report being on a diet at any one time, regardless of whether they are actually overweight or not. Choose to change your situation and make time to go to the gym. If you choose not to do that, then view the situation differently — recognise it is your choice and no one else is to blame. But don't stay in the same situation and view it with horror. That wastes energy.

Spulrging on yourself
Going on a shopping spree may be fun at the time, but the after effects can send some into a spiral of self-loathing and guilt. A survey found that 80 per cent of women felt bad about splashing their cash on themselves just hours after they had finished shopping; 10 per cent felt so crippled by remorse that they refused to disclose their purchases to their partner. But as long as it's not eating into important payments, then spending money on yourself is fair enough.

Women don't see making themselves feel better as a gain for everyone. But if you rationalise your reasons for spending money on a spa break because you need the downtime, then you have no reason to feel guilty.

Not making him happy
Like the balance needed to maintain a happy home and work life, there is often effort needed to keep a relationship on track. But if you're feeling stretched, your partner is likely to be the first to suffer from your lack of attention and this causes stress and guilt. If you feel guilty that you're not doing enough to make your loved one happy, sit down and look at your timetables and agree on how you to make more time for each other. Discuss it and come up with a change in your behaviour that will make you both happier.

Always late
Sometimes situations arise which make us late, no matter how prepared we are. Seeing time as a gift will enable you to make the best out of the situation and prevent panic. You can either be late and flustered or late and collected. Sitting on a train and getting aggravated is a waste of energy. It's not the end of the world; it's a problem to be solved. Stay in the here and now, and ask yourself how you can use the moment? Jot a list, or call your mother.

Imperfect hosting
Many women would like to host the perfect dinner party, but they often set high standards. The desire for social excellence derives from the need to be perfect all the time. Host your party and be a bad hostess. The moment you accept you can do it, but do it badly, it takes the pressure off. Women give themselves a lot of 'should, oughts and musts', but these don't exist — everyone has a different perception, so host a dinner, but do it your way.

Forgetting birthdays
Though men might forget a birthday and shrug it off, women are more likely to beat themselves up for days for such minor oversights. Go easy on yourself, but also, go easy on others who forget.

It's not deliberate. When people aren't putting you first, you must see it from their point of view and if we could be more generous then we wouldn't feel so guilty. If you feel guilty, tell yourself you know you're doing your best, apologise and make clear it wasn't deliberate.

Taking some 'me' time
Living up to the 'superwoman' image can lead to terrible feelings of guilt over getting your hair done. But doing nothing is very important in allowing women to physically and mentally recharge. But it is very difficult to allow yourself to do it. Tell people the truth. That you need a break because you are at your limit — then accept that the world will not fall apart without you.

Letting your folks down
Women can inherit guilt through generations — of not doing enough for their elders, not doing it right or 'failing' their parents. Learn to accept that your parents will love and judge you no matter what. Do try and be sensitive but if you go your own way and you are successful and happy, then if they are decent human beings, they'll be happy for you.

Saying 'no'
Saying 'no' is hard because women don't want to be seen as the baddie and because they are taught to put others first. Give yourself time to think about each request, so have ready a stalling tactic. If you really don't want to do what they ask, give options to help solve their problem — brainstorm alternatives.

However, if you've explained why you can't do something and they can't see it from your point of view, then accept that they're being unreasonably selfish and taking advantage of your goodwill.

The 20 Best Ways to Use Eggs

By Susy Sedano

Lose weight, gain muscle, and improve your cholesterol? There is a super-food that’s been linked to all of these benefits: Eggs. The only problem? Unless you have a limitless appetite for omelets and scrambles, there seems to be a limited number of ways to incorporate this protein-packed power food into your diet. So we reached out to nutrition and food experts and found 20 tasty and creative ways to enjoy the incredible, edible egg.

On a Pizza
Prepare your favorite homemade pizza recipe and bake until almost cooked. Carefully crack a few eggs around the pizza and return to the oven until the whites are cooked but the yolks are still just a bit runny.

On a Burger
Skip the mayonnaise next time and top your lean beef or turkey burger with an over-easy egg. Let the yolk break and run over everything for a gooey and delicious sandwich.

Fresh Pasta Dough
Eggs and flour come together to form tender, golden pasta dough. Roll thinly and cook for just a minute or two before topping with fresh tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil and basil.

Eggs are the key ingredient in this easier-than-you’d-think French staple. Whipped egg whites are the secret to a fluffy texture, while the yolk adds richness to the filling.

Lighten up this often-calorie-laden breakfast treat by using whole milk instead of cream and filling it with chopped green, leafy vegetables. “For a complete and balanced meal, it’s best to combine eggs with whole grain and vegetables,” says Nicole Geurin, R.D. Make your own whole-wheat crust with olive oil instead of butter or shortening for an even healthier take on the classic.

Simply Baked
Crack two eggs in a small, ovenproof ramekin. Top with finely chopped vegetables and a splash of whole milk or half-and-half. Bake until whites are set but yolks are still runny enough for dipping. “Choose whole-grain toast to make this a perfectly balanced vegetarian meal,” recommends Lainie Cooper, a Denver-based nutritionist.

Fried Rice
Stir fry chopped broccoli, red bell peppers and carrots in vegetable oil. Add a few beaten eggs and cooked, cooled brown rice and cook until everything is golden. Add soy sauce and sesame oil to finish. “If you’re watching your cholesterol, you can make fried rice with scrambled egg whites instead, for the same flavor and texture,” says Geurin.

Huevos Rancheros
What’s not to love about two fried eggs covered with salsa and served over corn tortillas? “Literally translated to ranch-hand eggs, this hearty breakfast staple offers a host of healthy benefits, from the tomato salsa, the whole-grain tortilla and the good fats in the eggs,” Cooper says.

Bird in a Nest
Also called Toad in a Hole or Egg in a Basket, there’s something reminiscent of childhood about this dish. Simply cut a hole in a piece of whole-wheat bread, place the slice into a slick of olive oil on a hot skillet, and crack an egg in the center. Flip when the first side turns golden.

The name sounds exotic, but this Arabic dish is simple to make and offers hearty flavor and a healthy dose of essential nutrients. Tomato sauce made from fresh or canned tomatoes, onions, garlic, peppers, and a generous sprinkle of cumin and hot pepper flakes creates a bed in which to poach eggs. Add a few to the sauce in a large, wide pan, then cover and cook until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny. “Combining eggs with lycopene-rich tomatoes packs a nutritional punch,” Cooper says. “Spoon the mixture over brown rice or whole-wheat couscous for a complete meal.”

Egg in a Cloud
It seems simple enough, but this simple dish makes the most of the humble egg’s prowess. A cloud-like bed made from the beaten whites is filled with the buttery, rich yolk for an offbeat brunch or lunch presentation. It starts with some vigorous whipping until the whites form stiff peaks; dollop onto thin pieces of toast, then create a well in which to place the yolk. Carefully slide the yolks into each one, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, and then bake until the meringue is lightly golden and the yolks are just set.

Egg Salad
Lighten up this deli standby by using mashed avocado in lieu of mayonnaise. Add a generous squeeze of lemon juice and chopped fresh herbs for bright flavor, and spread between two pieces of whole-wheat toast for fiber. “Avocado gives this old-fashioned favorite a new twist and a dose of heart-healthy fat,” Cooper says.

Add extra protein to your morning oats by stirring in a lightly beaten egg as the oatmeal is cooking. “Oatmeal contains protein, but it’s easy to give it an additional boost with an egg,” Cooper says. “It thickens it up nicely, too.” Top with a drizzle of pure maple syrup, 1/2 cup blueberries and a handful of chopped walnuts for a one-bowl morning meal that provides a myriad of nutrients for the day.

Poached on a Salad
Top your usual mixed greens and vegetables with two poached eggs. You don’t even need salad dressing: Simply drizzle with lemon juice and break the yolk open to create a tasty topping.

Hard boil a few eggs, slice in half, and scoop the yolks into a small bowl. Mash with a generous dollop of nonfat Greek yogurt instead of mayo and add a dash of smoked paprika or finely chopped fresh herbs. “The Greek yogurt provides extra protein and calcium,” Geurin says.

French Toast
“New research suggests including some protein-rich foods at breakfast can help keep you satisfied until lunch,” Geurin says. “Eggs are an excellent source of high-quality protein.” Dip two slices of whole-wheat bread in two beaten eggs and a splash of nonfat milk, allowing the bread to absorb the egg. For a sweet version, cook in melted Smart Balance or Earth Balance, or similar trans-fat-free spread and top with a drizzle of pure maple syrup. Or, switch it up and add salt and pepper to the beaten egg and cook in extra-virgin olive oil. Top with sliced tomatoes or a light dusting of grated Parmesan cheese.

In Salad Dressing
Add flavor and texture to salad dressing by finely chopping a hard-boiled egg adding to simple vinaigrette. Place the chopped egg at the base of a medium bowl and add the juice of 1/4 lemon, a small dollop of Dijon mustard, and salt and pepper. Whisk in extra-virgin olive oil to taste.

In Soup
Bolster your broth by adding a beaten egg. Avgolemono, a Greek lemon-and-egg soup, and Chinese-takeout-standby Egg Drop Soup both rely on eggs for the body and flavor of the broth.

Breakfast Burritos
Fold scrambled eggs, a few slices of turkey bacon, salsa and a few tablespoons of grated low-fat cheddar in a whole-wheat burrito for a delicious breakfast (or lunch, or dinner) that’s easy to take on the go. “I pre-chop peppers, onions, and spinach to make it easy to throw into the eggs while they cook,” Cooper says. “This adds an extra dose of vitamins and fiber.”

This Italian egg dish is the perfect clean-out-the-produce-drawer recipe — just chop veggies and sauté in olive oil in an ovenproof skillet until just tender. Add beaten eggs and top with a handful of grated low-fat cheese. Cook on the stovetop until eggs just begin to firm up around the edges, then broil until the top is golden brown. Cut into wedges and serve with salad.

6 manly qualities women love in men

By Rachel Fernandes

There are certain qualities in men that women absolutely dig.

It's not just about being tall, dark and handsome. There are certain 'manly' qualities about guys that can make any woman go weak in her knees. And while you may think it's all about the looks, guess what? There's more. It's a potent mix of both, physical attributes and of course, that all important emotional touch. Here, we tell you about six points you need to heed.

Well groomed
Yes, we said tall but the reality is that height is really not as important a factor as how you present yourself. Just like guys like a women who is well turned out, women too dig guys who ensure that they are perfectly groomed a la Leonardo DiCaprio. The basic funda women believe in is that if you are careful enough to take care of yourself, they can trust you to take care of them. So, remember guys, sloppy dressing, uncombed hair, dirty nails, smelly socks, stained shirts or jeans and the likes are an absolute no-no when you are trying to make that all important impression on someone from the opposite sex.

A sense of style
Women would rather have you splurging on them than on obscenely priced designer wear. So, even if it's a typical roadside purchase that you swear by, make sure you adopt a certain classy and stylised look and maintain it. Women don't really expect you to be a picture copy of a Pierce Brosnan or a David Beckham, but trying to imitate their style will surely up your popularity quotient. Keep yourself updated on the latest trends. Also, just as you have your reservations against the 'nun-type' dressers, women too hesitate when it comes to the boring office type dresser.

Laugh it out
One of the most important trait that woman dig is a sense of humour. Women have more than enough problems to deal with and don't really need the company of another equally depressed soul. Yes, you have your bad days, but it does go a long way if you have a good sense of humour, and clean humour at that. Beware, taking a dig at others and constantly putting others down do not really spell fun for women. And we can't tell you enough how much women love people who can laugh at themselves and their own mistakes.

Show them you care
Women need to be constantly reassured that they are loved and cared for. Acts like holding their hand while walking down the road, watching the sunset, an occasional hug and peck on the cheeks and making sure that they cross the road safely mean that you are proud to be seen with them and care for them. Remember, not displaying your affection openly is a sign that you are ashamed of who you are with. However, beware of being crass while displaying you affections.

A sexy smile/wink
There's a reason why women absolutely adore Richard Gere or Hugh Jackman and it has a lot to do with the way that they smile or that glint in their eyes. Believe us when we tell you that if you look at them and smile like that, it does make them feel very special, like they are one in a million.

Be calm
Woman are known to be harrowed and frenzied. Yes, they do tend to get hyper very easily and that is the precise reason why you need to be the calming factor in their lives. It really doesn't help if you too get stressed out or fly off the handle at any and every incident. Your sex appeal lies as much in your looks as it does in your attitude - women dig guys with a cool and peaceful attitude, the one who is able to calm them down and reassure them that all is well.

The Six Keys to Success - ADVICE

Courtesy: Brian G. Jett

Don't confuse how much money one has as to his or her success!

These keys will not unlock any opportunities of success without first having a strong and unfailing faith in God or that Being which is greater than you.

I encourage you to memorize these six keys by using the word ADVICE to do so.

·         Attitude
Bloom where you are planted. You have a choice to get back up after temporary set backs. Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference!

·         Direction
If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there. Write your short term goals down on paper. I have discovered and continue to discover that putting your dreams and goals down on paper lock in or focus your belief that they can be achieved--even if you have to take a course correction in achieving your goals. Success comes in cans, failure comes in can'ts.

·         Values
Explore what is important to you. Maybe it is family, friends, your spirituality or working hard at any given task. I can assure you that your priorities will change as you grow older. Very important that you value yourself and treat yourself like the valuable gift from God that you are.

·         Interests
Birds of a feather flock together. This is to say that if you are hanging around winners or others with a "can do" mind-set, you'll likely adapt to this same kind of thinking. Remember--"SUCCESS LEAVES CLUES!

·         Commitment
Feelings may change, commitments do not. "Success is getting up one more time than you fall." I have often wanted to give up, and then I must think to myself about what the consequences of giving up will be. Generally, this is more than enough of a motivation to make us stick to the task at hand even if we don't feel like it. When the task is achieved, Whow!--IT FEELS GREAT!

·         Encouragement
Be an encourager and comforter to friends that are feeling discouraged. I promise that you will not regret this as you will be encouraged by one, if not many, when you are feeling down. Encouragement and love are contagious qualities that can change the minds of the most stubborn and "hard-to-get-along-with" people you know. I have seen it happen over and over again.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

How Smoking Ruins Your Look

By Nikita Mukherjee

Aging is mankind’s curse and smoking only facilitates the bane that’s aging! Most know that smoking is bad for health. It is associated with several detrimental diseases including lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

However, only few know that when you take a puff, you are also causing irreversible damage to your skin and hair.

Shocked? Don’t be because that little stick of hopeless nicotine plays the devil’s advocate when it comes to ruining your look.

Premature Aging
As you age, your skin ages, too. There are number of external factors that contribute to premature aging including sun exposure, which is considered to the biggest factor. However, various studies prove that smoking causes an individual’s skin to age even more than exposure to sunlight. Smoke loosens up the elastic fibres in your skin, which causes skin to sag. It also causes sunken eyes and grayish skin, due to the lack of oxygen in blood and ruins your look.

Everyone gets wrinkles around the eyes eventually. But, these wrinkles arrive early and are deeper among smokers. Heat from burning cigarettes and squinting eyes to keep the smoke away, contribute to visible crow’s feet. Also, chemicals from inhaled smoke or even tobacco cause internal damage to your skin structure and blood vessels around your eyes.

Damaged Teeth and Gums
You would love to have set of dazzling teeth, don’t you? However, you can kiss that dream goodbye if you’re a smoker. The nicotine in cigarettes can stain teeth which ruins your look. But, we assume you already know this! The ‘you’re kidding’ factor comes from the fact that smokers are twice as likely to lose teeth as non-smokers owing to gum disease that they are at a risk of developing. Not to forget, bad breath is also a persistent problem among smokers.

Thinner Hair
And as if the wrinkly skin is not enough, smoking affects hair, too. Smoking accelerates aging as the smoke releases toxins that damage the DNA of hair follicles. As a result, hair becomes brittle and is likely to break before it’s fully grown. While light smokers are at risk of staining their hair yellow brought on by the nicotine, heavy smokers are prone to baldness.

It is a chronic and ugly condition that causes thick, scaly patches on the skin - usually knees, elbows, hands, feet and scalp. While the condition is not life threatening, it can be extremely disfiguring and uncomfortable. Smokers have a greater risk of developing this disease and the probability increases with the longer duration a person smokes.

Nicotine causes constriction of blood vessels. As a result, the oxygen-rich blood flow will be limited to your face and other parts of body. That actually means your wounds will take longer to heal and you’ll have scars that will be bigger and redder.

You don’t need more proof that smoking actually ruins your look. So, make this World's No Tobacco Day your lucky day, the day you quit smoking!

Foods that help you kick the butt

By Shikha Desai, TNN

This World No Tobacco Day, resolve to free yourself from the smoke. Here are a foods that will help you do the same

·         Milk, Celery, Carrot, Fruits and vegetables, when taken before smoking, develops a bitter after taste compelling the smoker to extinguish the cigarette half way through because of the horrendous taste it leaves in the mouth

·         Eating foods rich in Vitamin C, for ex: orange, lemon, amla, guava, in more quantity cuts down the urge to smoke. This is because cigarettes deprives you of vitamin C supply, leaving you with a deficiency which the nicotine fills.

·         Whenever you have craving for smoking, you can eat some salty food items like chips, papad, pickle etc. You can also put some salt on the tip of the tongue, which will help you to kill your urge of smoking.

·         Fragrance of dried fruit helps lower cravings to smoke.

·         Keeping your mouth busy is another way to kill the urge of smoking. You can eat sugar free candy or chewing gum

Note: Make sure you avoid alcohol, caffeine, and red meat when you are attempting to quit smoking as these items only increase your craving for nicotine.

(Inputs courtesy: Annapurna Agrawal, Nutritionist , Snap Fitness India)