Monday, May 20, 2013

Time for some pet etiquette


Pets are adorable but they can get equally annoying if not trained properly. We share some tips to turn your pet into a great companion:

A recent study claimed that dog owners get the same surge of emotions when looking at their pooch as mothers do with their infants. While most of the pet owners will nod in agreement, you may find a few disagreeing. "I love my pet but he's such a nuisance. He will bark his lungs out in the middle of the night, chew on everything he gets his hands on and trouble my guests. I don't know what to do with him," says PR executive Aashish Sen who owns Peddle, a Pomeranian.
But you can set aside such worries. Dogs can adapt to human society. We share with you some useful tips to minimize your pet worries:
Exercising pet is a good pet: Your pet needs regular exercise to get rid of his excessive energy. Do not take him out just to litter, let him run, have fun. "This is the only way to release his excessive energy which if not released could make him irritable. It amounts to building stress which will be exhibited through excessive barking and unwanted pouncing," says Delhi-based senior veterinarian, Dr James Rappai.
No loud business: When you are feeding or talking to your pet, do not raise your voice. Make him adapt to commands but say it once and say like you mean it. It should be firm not loud. And if you keep saying it, he won't listen unless you snap at him. "Be careful about the commands and the words you use. Don't confuse them. If you use the command 'Sit' to make him sit, do not use 'Heel' instead," says Chennai based dog trainer J Rangarajan.
Attention with care: Some pets are in a habit to bark to grab your attention. They will bark when hungry, while greeting you, wanting to play with you. Says Pet groomer Geetika Nigam, "This habit must be modified simply by not providing positive reinforcement when he is barking for no reason."
Even your pet needs toys: If you see your pet chewing furniture or your favourite shoes, don't snap at him. Instead give him alternatives to chew on like pet friendly toys. Spread them all over the floor and if he still goes for your shoes, give him a chewy. Says Delhi-based dog trainer Raju Sinha, "If he still goes, then direct him to a chewy. In a way, your pet is trying to teach you to be more careful with treasured items."
Never hit him: Don't hit your pet when you are angry with him. The next time you get angry, first tell him firmly that he's incorrect, ignore him, and nudge him off if he comes to you. This will disorient him and he will know that the behaviour is not acceptable. "Remember, you should never resort to hitting your pet," adds J Rangarajan.
Eating habits: Never feed him while you are eating. This might be taken as a cue that he can take food from your plate.
Make him a social pet: Don't restrict his exposure just to family else he will get really uncomfortable in front of your guests or might behave awkwardly.
And remember never ask your friend if you can get your pet along to a get together or party. If they want him to come, they will say it.

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