Monday, July 15, 2013

How to keep fruits and veggies fresh

Shikha Desai, TNN

Fruits and vegetables are healthy but only when consumed fresh. Most of us tend to throw away some vegetables and fruits because they get spoilt over a period of time.

Here's how to keep them fresh for a longer period of time

Shop smart
Fresh fruits and vegetables won't stay fresh for more than a week, so shop accordingly. There's no point stocking more just because it is available for cheap. So plan well before yous shop to avoid wastage.

Buy from the main market
We all have local grocery shops but it's best if you avoid buying fruits and veggies from there and shop from the main market instead. The local shops may have bought grocery weeks before and you may not certainly get fresh produce.

Store it in the right place
Fruits like berries, grapes, plums, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce and spinach need to be stored in the refrigerator, while apples, bananas, tomatoes, citrus fruits and many other fruits and veggies can be stored on the countertop. Potatoes and onion can be kept in open, cool, dry environment. If you wish to ripen some fruits, you can keep them on the countertop for a day or two and then keep them in the fridge. Store mushrooms in paper bags.

Keep away ethylene producers
Fruits like apples, bananas, figs and others are ethylene gas producers and should be kept away from other fruits and vegetables to avoid spoilage.

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