Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Dandruff Treatment: Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

By Sobiya N. Moghul

Dandruff, also known as seborrhea, is a common non-contagious condition of skin areas rich in oil glands (the face, scalp, and upper trunk) they are marked by flaking and sometimes redness and itching of the scalp, varying in severity from mild flaking of the scalp to scaly, red patches. While there are an array of hair products that promise dandruff treatment Dr Manjiri Patankar Puranik, founder of Instasculpt advices us to rely more on home remedies while treating dandruff. She lists the best methods to get rid of the flaky white stuff

1.    Feed your skin with vitamin E (found in avocados) and zinc (found in seafood, nuts and seeds).

2.    Take multi-vitamins as they are full of Vitamin B, B6, B12 and E. These vitamins help to produce scalp oil and protect from dandruff.

3.    It's best to use lemon juice in squeeze bottles since it's easier to control. Stand over either your kitchen or bathroom sink and squirt the lemon juice all over your head and massage. Leave on for about fifteen minutes, then wash your hair. It usually takes no more than two treatments for the dandruff to disappear.

4.    Olive oil and almond oil - Mix the two together and apply on the scalp and leave on for five minutes. Once it starts to tingle rinse and shampoo. Olive oil is an excellent natural conditioner that seeps into the scalp. Apply olive oil onto the scalp and leave it overnight wrapped in a cotton cloth.

5.    Heat a small amount of olive oil and rub into the scalp, leave for an hour and wash off with warm water. Later wash your hair with shampoo. Stopping using hairstyling products.

6.    Aloe Vera is one of the best herbs to cure all kinds of hair problem. To add natural moisturiser to your scalp use Aloe Vera gel.

7.    Neem treatment: Soak some neem leaves in water and boil it. Use it neem water to wash your hair. Neem leaf has antifungal and antibacterial properties, making it effective in treating dandruff.

8.    Take amla powder and grind it with tulsi leaves and apply it on the scalp for an hour. And then thoroughly wash it off.

9.    Increase your intake of fresh fruits as much possible. Add zinc, omega3 fatty acids, and vitamin B complex food to your diet. Cut down on your intake of sugary foods. Minimise caffeine containing drinks and foods.

10.  Baby oil works well for dandruff. Baby oil can be massaged onto the scalp. A towel can be wound around the head after the application of the oil. It should then be left overnight. The next day, the oil should be washed out using a herbal shampoo.

11.  Yoghurt treatment: In a bowl add a tsp of lime juice, one tsp mustard oil to one cup of yoghurt. Apply this mixture to the scalp and let it rest for one hour. Then thoroughly wash the hair.

12.  Fenugreek treatment-Soak 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds (meethi) in water overnight and crush them into a fine paste the next morning. Apply this paste to your hair and scalp for at least 30 minutes. Wash your hair thoroughly after 30 minutes. Follow this treatment continuous for four weeks, for best results.
Also, if you brush your hair, do it with a natural bristle brush that’s medium-stiff. 

13.  When you shampoo, massage the scalp vigorously so that you can loosen the flakes and wash them off.

14.  Make a paste of ginger root and beetroot. Massage the hair with this paste every night. Rinse in the morning. This helps control dandruff effectively in about 4 to 5 nights.

15.  Vinegar Treatment: Prepare a mixture of equal amounts of vinegar and water. Apply this on your scalp and leave it on overnight. Wash your hair the next morning with a mild baby shampoo.

16.  Beat 2 eggs and apply the paste on your scalp and rinse it off after one hour.This treatment will help in preventing dandruff and hair fall.

17.  Baking soda is required to clear excess flakes and prevent dandruff. Add 1 tsp of baking soda to a handful of shampoo and you will find that it can remove dandruff flakes hiding in hair strands.

18.  A solution of beetroot juice, vinegar and some ginger juice, when applied to the scalp helps get rid of dandruff.

19.  Numerous shampoos are available in the market that profess to get rid of dandruff. Pick a good branded medicated shampoo containing zinc pyrithione, tea-tree oil, green tea, and ketoconazole. These ingredients are known to prevent dandruff.

20.  A lack of proper hair hygiene also accounts for dandruff. Never use another’s’ comb as this is an easy way of catching the infection.

21.  Apply hot olive or sesame oil on the scalp before bedtime. The next morning, rub a little lime juice on your scalp one hour prior to bathing. Wash and rinse your hair well.

22.  Comb your hair daily as this promotes blood circulation. Also, regularly massage your scalp with herbal oil.

23.  Apply 2 tbsp of apple juice mixed in water directly to the scalp. Apples have enzymes that eliminate dead skin cells.

24.  Apply a paste made of neem leaves on your scalp to fight dandruff as neem has antiseptic properties. Neem leaves are successful in treating lice, dandruff and other scalp conditions.

25.  Vitamin B is effective in controlling dandruff. Eat a lot of green vegetables and pulses. Eat eggs and proteins in large quantities as they strengthen the hair and also prevent dandruff from recurring.

26.  The abrasiveness of ordinary table salt works is great for getting rid of dandruff before you shampoo. Grab a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then work it through your hair, giving your scalp a massage. You’ll find you’ve worked out the dry, flaky skin and are ready for a shampoo.

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