Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Namaz - its effects on our body

Exercise (Part 1)

In addition to saving us from the sins and elevating us to the heights of spirituality, Namaz are great help in maintaining our physical health. They keep our body active, help digestion and save us from muscle and joint diseases through regular balanced exercise. They help the circulation of blood and also mitigate the bad effect of cholesterol. Namaz plays a vital role in acting as a preventive measure against heart attack, paralyses, premature senility, dementia, loss of control on sphineters, diabetes mellitus etc.

Collateral circulation plays a major role in decreasing the danger of heart attack in patients. This type of circulation increases with the movements that are done during Namaz.

The performance of Namaz put almost all muscles of the body in action. Different groups of muscles are activated while performing Namaz. During Sajda blood supply to the brain is improved. This is useful in hypotension and migraine patients. One of the useful methods to strengthen the muscles of the knee joints to mitigate the strain on knees in osteoarthritis is the regular exercise of these muscles during Namaz.

Namaz has a profoundly wonderful effect in repelling the evils, spiritually and physically. Namaz brings joy to the soul and dissipates depression and anger.


Namaz - its effects on our body (Part 2).

There are 206 bones in our body, and 160 moveable or slightly moveable joints. These joints need constant movements to protect them from various diseases. Various actions while praying help movements of joints and also stretch muscles and nerves. Most diseases are related due to lack of physical activities. Exercise is the best method to keep many diseases away.

While in Rakou Sadjah - What it does to you
1.    Stretches backbone, joints and muscles, offers pressure to lungs, health, stomach, intestine, kidneys and their adjoining structures

2.    Strengthens the neck and back muscles

3.    Brings pressure to shoulder, elbow and wrist and also to knee joints

4.    By offering pressure to stomach and intestine, the food movements within the organs increases thus helps in faster digestion.

5.    Stretches the leg muscles of legs and gives pressure to ankle joints.

6.    Neck bone joints, muscles and nerves get fully stretched in Sadjah, this is useful for cervical spondolitis.

7.    The movements in Namaz are mild, uniform, and involve all muscles and joints. The caloric output helps keep the energy balance. Each cycle uses twenty calories.

Namaz brings sustenance, preserves health, discards harm, eradicates illness, strengthens heart and brings joy to the soul and of course, it has profoundly wonderful effect in repelling the evils.


Prophet Mohammed (S.A.), who was sent to mankind to teach good moral conduct, has shown many ways to control anger.

"Man was created weak" says the Quran.


What happens to us when we get angry? Our heart rate and Blood Pressure increases and excessive adrenaline is produced in our system. Our physical strength increases although our spiritual strength decreases. Our intellect or reason of power is lost, and things we would not justify in normal state become acceptable. The organs of the body, which are otherwise under the control, become out of control. The tongue becomes abusive, our hands go out of control and then we may become inhuman.

How do we control anger?
Allah has instilled some protective mechanism for fighting anger.

One method is to avoid being too sensitive to provocations and become deaf, dumb and mute. It may be necessary to some people to engage in something else to divert themselves.

Another method, suggested by Prophet Mohammed (S.A.), and presently proved scientifically, is to take a sip of water in the mouth and not to swallow it or spit it, but to keep it there until anger phase passes off. Anger is a spark of fire in man, water will "extinguish" anger. To do wudhu (ablution) helps to tamper anger too. Yet, another method is to lie down on the floor, this makes an angry person humble. With lying down he is far from retaliation and temper will cool down.

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