Monday, November 12, 2012

5 Ways to Love Your Post-Baby Body

By Shikha Desai

Yes, you’ve gained a lot of weight due to Pregnancy but you’ve also gained a cuddly little bundle who needs your love and care. So stop worrying about how you look and start enjoying your motherhood with your little one. We tell you how.

Don’t try and follow the celeb mom idols
You may read a lot of articles on how celebrity moms are losing weight to go back to normal or how a celebrity mom is being criticised for piling too many kilos. Firstly, many of their images are photoshopped so think twice before you take any kind of inspiration from them. Do not feel the pressure of getting back to your pre-baby weight because of the media. Also, do not compare yourself to people whose jobs include posing for the camera in a bikini. They are paid to look good and that is their livelihood. They may go on crash diets and workout 24/7 because they have to do it. They spend a huge amount of money behind trainers, nutritionists and plastic surgeons. You may not prefer to do the same.

Accept the change
Motherhood changes your life in great ways. Everything from your approach towards life, your body shape to your priorities will undergo a major change. You may have less time for yourself as your complete attention is on your newborn child. You have to accept the fact that things are no more the same and learn to accept the beautiful change with a smile. Your pre-baby clothes might not fit you the same way they used to. So go for styles that flatter your new curves instead trying to desperately fit into your pre-baby pants.

Make time for love
After the arrival of a baby, men may hesitate in initiating sex and affection and you are likely to feel neglected. As soon as you get this feeling, tell him about it. Tell your partner if you need more love and care. Also, having a baby doesn’t mean you can no more enjoy romantic moments. Plan a candle light dinner at home and share a bottle of wine; it will surely help you bring that spark back. Also, feel beautiful by slipping in some sexy lingerie or wearing a different kind of make up or perfume. He’d surely not want to take his eyes off you.

Take care of yourself
It is very essential to stay active and well-nourished at this point of time. Your goal should be to feel good and positive and get back in shape gradually by eating well and having a good workout regimen. Go for a walk or enrol for a mommy-and-me yoga class. So make sure you take good care of yourself without stressing over losing weight quickly. It took you nine months to put the baby weight on, so give yourself at least nine months to get the weight off.

Indulge in some pampering
Instead of hiding belly fat, enhance features your post-baby body has left with you with. Do things that make you feel beautiful, like splurging on a massage, getting a manicure or pedicure and going in for a haircut. Do these things with a few other mommies. It’s very easy to get stuck in a pattern of self-destructing thoughts. Connecting with other women who are undergoing similar kind of feelings is quite healing.

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