Thursday, November 29, 2012

Bedroom workout sessions

Did you know that sweat-driven pheromones are one of nature’s best aphrodisiacs? Research shows that your partner gets turned on when they see you sweat it out. Let this thought make you happy when you plan to start these sensual bedroom workout sessions with your love.

Get ready for some action!

It’s not just in the sack that you can lose calories by involving your partner. You can both put your heads together to think of an exercise routine that tones up your body and helps you stay healthy at the same time. The routine has to be fun, energetic and engaging. Always start by warming up with some slight stretching. Involve touching your partner in these exercises that you do together. Lunges where you switch positions with your partner and keep repeating the positions alternately help you strengthen your muscles and target your thighs and hips. When you perform the forward lunge with your left leg, let your partner do the reverse lunge with her right leg.  During this workout you must hold your partner’s hands, and keep your arms and hands elevated to support your partner.

Other than lunges you can always try squats, crunches, and chest or shoulder press, etc. to stay healthy together. A common health goal is also known to drive boredom out, leaving less room for stagnancy. When the feeling of ‘nothing happening at all settles in’, you tend to drift away from each other and this leads to an increase in relationship woes.

Anahita, a young call centre executive working in Delhi admits her relationship with her husband has improved tremendously post their experimentation with some couples’ exercises a few months back. “I read a blog about how couples can benefit from exercising together and the moment I read it, I knew I was game for it. The tough part was getting my husband to follow this routine. The first month was not at all smooth and there were days when we found it extremely difficult to do these exercises together but gradually we started enjoying it. It was our new playtime!”

She’s not the only one; there are many more who have found these couples’ exercises stimulating and rewarding. Some couples prefer dancing to music to stay fit rather than practice crunches with their partner. “It’s so much more romantic to be able to sway and move in your partner’s arms rather than hold them while doing squats. It’s not just our workout time; it’s our time to relax and explore each other,” says Vishal who’s been in a relationship for 3 years now.

Research suggests couples who spend more time in bed are also likely to lose more calories. This ‘time in bed’, however, does not imply time spent sleeping. You have to be creative. Sexercise! That’s what you need to do. Sex is a great mood enhancer and you can use it as a form of exercise by incorporating different positions. It gets your heart rate up and releases endorphins, which are the ultimate feel-good chemicals!

Use these workout ideas, or be innovative and create your own. The benefits of exercising with your partner are many and there are plenty of reasons for you to give it a try!

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