Monday, December 10, 2012

30 things you should know about sex

Health Me Up

Sex education enjoys and suffers the same fate as other aspects of behaviour; from myths to advice and best practices, one must be aware of what sex education implies.

With that in mind, we present 30 things you should know about sex. Each of these 30 points will help you understand sex and sex education better. We begin with some common myths that plague teenagers from the first time that they become interested in the world of sexual encounters.

Sex Education Tip 1: 'No penetration' does not mean that you are safe from pregnancy.
Pregnancy can occur even when a partner ejaculates or pre-ejaculates near or on your vulva. Irrespective of the fact that you engage in vaginal sex or not, naked body contact around this region could lead to pregnancy.

Sex Education Tip 2: You can still get pregnant if you have sex during your menstrual cycle.
If you have vaginal sex during your periods, you can get pregnant. Sperms have a life ranging from one day to one week, thus meaning that a sperm could fertilise an egg when you ovulate. Even when you are menstruating when you decide to have sex, it is a must to use a condom, as it is the proven way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

Sex Education Tip 3: Sex while menstruating, is not harmful.
Making love during one's menstrual cycle is in no way a harmful experience. In fact, many studies have proved the opposite - stating that love making is much more satisfying and pleasurable.

Sex Education Tip 4: Washing the vagina after intercourse does not prevent pregnancy.
Even if you wash your vagina with hot water, cold water, soap solution or shampoo solution, sperms are really fast swimmers and can get to their set destination even before you blink your eye. Scientifically speaking, washing your vaginal area after sex won't prevent pregnancy. Use safe birth control methods instead.

Sex Education Tip 5: Saliva will not spread HIV.
It is very rare and one has next to no chances of getting HIV or AIDS by kissing someone who has HIV or AIDS. It is important to know that HIV can easily be transmitted by swallowing breast milk or semen from an infected person; this isn't usually the case with saliva. HIV and AIDS are two different diseases and it is mostly seen that people with AIDS do not have the HIV in their saliva.

Sex Education Tip 6: Even if it's your first time, you can get pregnant.
A girl can become pregnant anytime and every time she is having sex, irrespective of the fact that it is her first time or not. And as far as a girl's age is concerned, she is most fertile during her teenage years, thus it is a must for her to use reliable birth control.

Sex Education Tip 7: Genitals need constant attention for proper hygiene.
Genitals are like any other part of the body. They, in no way, should be considered inferior parts of your body. Make sure you give your private parts adequate attention and ensure cleanliness and hygiene at all times.

Sex Education Tip 8: Both genders enjoy sex.
There is no scientific evidence supporting the general myth that men enjoy sex more than women. Perhaps societal norms and mindsets prevent women from expressing their emotions with respect to sex and pleasure; but, to think that women aren't designed to enjoy sex as much as men, is incorrect and false.

Sex Education Tip 9: Not all women bleed when they have sex for the first time.
It is not necessary for a woman to bleed after her very first sexual intercourse. It is important to understand that women bleed only when they break their hymen for the very first time and not after that. And the hymen can be easily broken by any kind of rigorous physical activity such as cycling, running or swimming. So, it is not necessary for a virgin to bleed the very first time she has sexual intercourse.

Sex Education Tip 10: Masturbation does not cause impotence.
Don't laugh over it, if you know the real thing, but this (sadly) is among the top rated sex myths among teenagers. Please understand that impotence is not linked to masturbation. Masturbation is a healthy process and has no side effects, least of all impotence.

Sex Education Tip 11: Menopause may make sex uncomfortable.
Soon after women hit the menopause stage, they tend to have low levels of estrogen and progesterone - the prime sex hormones. Furthermore, this can make sexual activity uncomfortable by leading to tiny tears in the vaginal walls. You can work your way around lowered hormonal balance by using lubricants, indulging in lengthier foreplay, and even some estrogen cream.

Sex Education Tip 12: Middle to old age may signify poor sexual performance.
Your desire for sex may plummet because of the low levels of testosterone in your body or because of age-linked health conditions. Medically it is suggested that you should not be focused on achieving orgasm, but you should start enjoying each other's bodies and compatibility. Don't rely too much on unnecessary drugs and always make it a point to talk to your doctor before starting any new medication routine, as it may have an adverse affect on your sexual desire. Masturbating, sensual massages, kissing, cuddling and maintaining open channels of communication are all essential to revive your interest in sex life.

Sex Education Tip 13: Sex therapy and counseling is helpful.
If everything else fails, and you continue experiencing a lack of sexual desire, you can always go for sex therapy or counseling. Therapists will help you in sorting your feelings out in detail. A counselor or therapist will help you deal with any lack of communication, insecurities and other psychosexual issues that might be hampering your sex life. They may also suggest additional strategies for dealing with sex problems, besides suggesting medical treatment.

Sex Education Tip 14: A healthy lifestyle is a must.
It is never too late to work those lethargic muscles out and feel young all over again. And, if it adds an edge to your sexual life, they why not! Strengthen your vaginal walls and pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises as it will help you in achieving better orgasm. Please note you should not perform Kegel exercises with a full bladder or while urinating. If done so, it can actually weaken the muscles as well as lead to incomplete emptying of the bladder, which increases the risk of urinary tract infection.

Sex Education Tip 15: Erectile dysfunction is treatable.
This is the biggest myth of all. ED is indeed treatable. In fact, here are a few lifestyle tips you should keep in mind: Check your alcohol intake, stop smoking, follow a healthy exercise and dietary regimen and keep your diabetes under watch.

Sex Education Tip 16: It is possible for a woman to get pregnant, even if the man pulls out.
The rhythm method, also known as the pull out method is the worst case scenario for birth control. Men are not always aware of when exactly the fluid is about to seep out. It is said that one in every 5 couples, who follow this method as the only form of birth control, gets pregnant. Are you ready to take that chance?

Sex Education Tip 17: Not everyone can or even needs to perform sexual acts all night long for a pleasurable experience.
As with everything else in life, sexual aptitude and sexual appetite differ from person to person. Further, if you want to be an ace in bed, you will need to be in good shape to be able to support that kind of physical exertion!

Sex Education Tip 18: Whether you catch an STD or not has nothing to do with frequency of sexual intercourse.
It is not necessary to have sex in order to come in contact with STDs. Even skin-to-skin contact is enough for the spread of HPV virus, which in some cases can cause genital warts.

Sex Education Tip 19: Not all cases of HIV lead to AIDS.
Even though there is no sure shot cure for HIV, there are many medications and dietary rules available by which you can suppress the virus. Talk to your doctor in detail about it and be proactive about strengthening your immune system.

Sex Education Tip 20: Condoms have expiry dates. You cannot use one anytime, anywhere.
Condoms, like any other grocery product, come with an expiry date. You can use one for three to five year. Best is to check for its printed expiry date before use.

Sex Education Tip 21: Latex condoms and STDs/Pregnancies.
Latex condoms are good for prevention of STDs and pregnancies. However, if one is allergic to latex condoms you should talk in detail with your doctor and ask him to recommend you polyurethane condoms instead.

Sex Education Tip 22: Erectile dysfunction is linked to heart disease.
Yes, in some cases it has been linked to heart disease. In fact, erectile dysfunction can be linked to cardiovascular diseases in whole. Studies have time and again shown that all men who suffer from ED should get checked for heart diseases.

Sex Education Tip 23: How pregnancy affects sex
Say no to rough lovemaking. When a mother is pregnant, her stomach is safely covered by the amniotic sac which keeps the baby safe. However, indulging in rough lovemaking can affect the fetus. Whenever you have the urge to make love, start by simply kissing, hugging and continue in a gentle manner.

Sex Education Tip 24: Should one fear sex after suffering from a heart attack?
No, one should not fear having sex after a heart attack. After a heart attack, it takes about 3 to 4 weeks for the heart to heal after proper treatment. After that one can resume normal activities, including sex without fear.

A few medicines related to cardiology may affect sexual activity, but only in a small number of patients. If medication affects sexual activity in a particular patient that can easily be substituted in consultation with the cardiologist.

Sex Education Tip 25: Oral sex and penetration are two separate things.
Some people regard virginity to be purely a question of whether they've participated in vaginal intercourse or not - which intends that they can continue being virgins while having oral sex and anal sex as well as other sexual experiences. If remaining a virgin is crucial to you, then it is up to you to find out what being a virgin means to you. Only if you've done that can you make up your mind about whether oral sex is something you would want to have. All the same, it is crucial to keep in mind that virginity means different things to different people.

Sex Education Tip 26: Sex assists in relieving pain.
The body releases a bonding hormone called oxytocin, before and during orgasm. Regarded as natural opiates, these hormones reduce the perception of pain by increasing the pain tolerance threshold. A study by famed sexologist, Beverly Whipple states that "when a woman masturbates to orgasm, both the pain tolerance threshold and pain detection threshold increase "significantly by 74.6% and 106.7% respectively." Apart from this, another natural opiate-like hormone released during orgasm is endorphin. The prime effect of this hormone is that they create a positive perception of the environment besides decreasing pain.

Sex Education Tip 27: Sex has positive psychological effects.
Engaging in physical intimacy with a loved one also promotes healing at psychological levels. The feeling of satisfaction associated with sex improves the mood and boosts self-esteem. Such a person is able to communicate with their partner in a more intimate and honest manner. Thus, any kind of emotional wounds may be healed and a sense of mental well-being achieved.

Sex Education Tip 28: Sex reduces the risk of heart disease.
The American Journal of Cardiology reported that men who made love at least twice a week were much less likely to have heart disease than those who had sexual encounters only once a month or less. This study conducted in over 1,000 men shows that sex appears to have a positive effect on the male heart. However, there was not much scientific evidence to demonstrate the full benefit of frequent intercourse on women's heart.

Sex Education Tip 29: Sex reduces the risk of prostate cancer.
Another vital medical research carried out to prove the beneficial effects of frequent sexual activity was in relation to prostate cancer. A study at the US National Cancer Institute showed how men who ejaculated through either sex or masturbation a minimum of five times a week were less likely to get prostate cancer. The researchers said that ejaculations help to release tension quieting the central nervous system activity that may lead to abnormal cell division and cancer growth in the prostate.

Sex Education Tip 30: Sex eases stress and lowers blood pressure.
Orgasm has a calming effect on people and also helps in better sleep. As intimate sex helps promote a supporting relationship, this might help improve health through stress reduction as well as social support.

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