Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Home Remedies for Hernia

The testicles are formed close to the kidneys within the body, before birth. These glands move down to the groin as the fetus grows and pass into the scrotum carrying with them the spermatic cord, along with nerves and blood vessels. Failure to go down is known as undescended testicles. The channel through which the testicles come down often fails to get close, so that loops of omentum or bowel may find their way to the scrotum on one or both the sides. This condition is known as indirect inguinal hernia. Weakness in the abdominal wall may lead to a similar condition, known as direct inguinal hernia. Both the conditions occur in male. In female a femoral hernia is more common.

When the portion of the bowel gets caught in the hernial sac it is known as strangulated hernia. This is a serious condition and may lead to severe peritonitis and even complete intestinal obstruction.

When the small protrusion is visible at or above the umbilicus and gives an impulse on coughing, it is known as Umbilical hernia. It can be felt as a ring like opening and is usually congenital. It may also occur in case of frequent pregnancy, great obesity and in much distension of the abdominal wall as in ascitis. Hiatus hernia or diaphragmatic hernia is caused when a portion of the stomach is located in the chest. Pressure on the abdomen or fullness of the stomach may cause a part of the stomach to move up in the chest. In such cases there may be bleeding or a feeling of distress. This type of hernia can happen in people of both sexes and all ages. However it is not considered to be a condition of middle age. People who have past the age of 50 and otherwise normal have small hiatus hernia.

Causes of hernia are as follows:
·         It is caused by a weakened area in the body due to surgery or ageing.
·         Unusual large opening in the passage between the genitals and the abdomen that has not closed completely before birth
·         Athletes develop a hernia due to repeated twisted and turning.

Home remedies for hernia are as follows:
·         Drink 1/4 cup of aloe Vera juice once in the morning and at night. This is one of the simplest home remedies for hernia.
·         Avoid peppermint within 2 hours of meal.
·         Chamomile and slippery elm both works wonder in curing hernia. Prepare a paste of 1 dessert spoonful of slippery elm and chamomile tea. Eat it in tiny teaspoonfuls so that the area is coated with each swallow. This is one of the efficient home remedies for hernia.
·        Take American ginseng. It helps to strengthen internal defenses. It is one of the productive home remedies for hernia.
·         Gotu kola helps to heal wound and also acts as a general tonic.
·         Rice has been found useful in the treatment of hernia. Mix a thick grual of rice with a well ripe banana and a glassful of buttermilk. Take these 2 times daily. It is a very nutritious diet and helps in burning and indigestion cause by hiatus hernia. It is also one of the unique home remedies for hernia.
·         Raw juices extracted from vegetables and fruits are very useful in treating hiatus hernia. Take these juices half hour before each meal. Carrot juices are especially effective as it is rich in calcium and vitamin and has a very restorative effect. It also soothes the stomach as it is an alkaline food. It is one of the advantageous home remedies for hernia.
·         Tomato juice is also excellent in treating hernia. In a glassful of tomato juice add a pinch of pepper and salt. Take this early in the morning to relieve constant burning sensation in the chest caused due to hiatus hernia. This is also one of the efficient home remedies for hernia.
·         Learn to relax at any time. It will prevent building up of mental and physical tensions which are responsible for causing actual physical symptoms. You can practice shavasana or 'dead body' poses. This is one of the important home remedies for hernia.

Diet to follow:
·         Avoid spicy and acidic foods and do not take enzyme supplements containing hydrochloric acid. This will help to prevent hernia.
·         Exclude extra fiber in diet for an effective hernia treatment.
·         Reduce or avoid pressure on your stomach.
·         Avoid eating high cholesterol or fatty foods. They may cause bloating in the abdomen.
·         Avoid alcohol to get rid of hernia quickly.
·         Eat at least 2 hours before going to sleep to prevent hernia.
·         Instead of taking large meals eat small, bland and frequent meals to keep pressure on the esophageal sphincter.
·        50% of the diet should contain carbohydrates and proteins and 50% should contain vegetables and fruits.

Tips to follows:
·         Avoid pressure on the swollen area and do not apply heat to the area.
·         Use an ice bag to control the pain.
·         Try to avoid stress and exhausting yourself.
·         Avoid exercising with full stomach.
·         In case you are overweight, lose weight to relieve the symptoms.
·         Avoid smoking
·         Avoid wearing tight clothes around your abdomen or chest as they put pressure on stomach.
·         Lift up your head 6 inches from your bed. You can do this by placing bricks under the bed frame. Gravity will help to prevent the stomach acid from moving up into esophagus during sleep. This is also one of the advantageous home remedies for hernia.
·         Avoid drinking water with meals as it increases the weight of the stomach. It also slows down the digestive process by weakening the digestive juices which leads to gas formation and increases the risk of fermentation.

Follow the home remedies for hernia along with the diet and the tips to eliminate the disease.

Original Article: Dr. Idris Modi

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