Friday, March 02, 2012

Tips to combat insomnia

Fifteen simple ways to beat insomnia and ensure you get a good night's sleep.

A good night's sleep is one of the greatest joys of life. A full 8 hours of sound and undisturbed rest can ensure a productive day ahead and if you're suffering from frequent insomnia, fatigue and irritation can make life really miserable. Click on and check out things you could do to beat insomnia and get the zzzzs you crave.

Do a quiet activity
One of the most important things to remember when you're unable to sleep is to not panic. Getting aggravated will only make it harder to nod off. Get up, go outside your room and do a quiet activity, like reading a book or something else that you enjoy. Soon you'll feel drowsy and you could come back to bed and sleep.

Don't work or watch TV while in bed
You need to create an association of sleep with your bed, thus training your mind and body to start relaxing once you're in it.

Say no to caffeine or nicotine
Make sure you don't have caffeine or nicotine at night as these can seriously impair your chances of a good snooze.

Dark and quiet room
A dark and quiet room greatly improves your ability to fall asleep. Put up thick blinds or curtains and make sure your bedroom is noise free.

Avoid drinking water
If your insomnia is quite bad, try to make sure you stop drinking water a few hours before you go to bed. This way you won't feel the urge to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

Drink warm milk
Drinking warm milk at night is known to soothe nerves and help a person get a restful night of sleep.

Keep away electronic gadgets
Avoid electronic gadgets around your bed. Even the blinking light of a digital clock or the lights and hum of a laptop can cause disturbed sleep.

Breathing exercise
Another way of ensuring sound sleep is to do some breathing exercises before you go to bed. They help calm your body and mind and since insomnia is often caused by anxiety, these exercises can be especially beneficial.

Soothing music
It's possible that you're unable to sleep purely because your bed is uncomfortable. Invest in a good, firm mattress and pillow that will help you sleep restfully.

Comfortable bed
It's possible that you're unable to sleep purely because your bed is uncomfortable. Invest in a good, firm mattress and pillow that will help you sleep restfully.

It pays to exercise
Regular exercise during the day really helps in making sure you get a good night's rest. While your stress hormones go up during your workout, the levels fall far below the pre-exercise number, a few hours after you have finished. That's why it's important to keep a solid gap between your workout and your bedtime.

Avoid naps during the day
If you're having trouble sleeping at night, make sure you avoid naps during the day.

ENT problems
Often, sleeplessness is caused by ENT problems. Make sure your nasal and respiratory passages are clear and not disrupting your breathing and hence your sleep.

Stick to a routine
Create a sleep cycle routine. You can do this by going to bed at the same time every night so your body starts associating that time with sleep. Erratic timings can be one of the most common causes of insomnia.

See a doctor
If none of these methods work, see a doctor or go to a sleep clinic. They have special diagnostic tests that'll help determine the exact cause of your insomnia, allowing them to prescribe a course of action that's right for you.

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