Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to keep fit by living right and eating right

Fighting The Flab 
I happened to read the news today of Hollywood actress Scarlett Johansson - who plays Black Widow in Avengers - saying in an interview that she practiced martial arts exercises and ate six to eight small meals to keep fit. Well, that's one way of doing it. But here are some tips from my time that still hold good today, provided you can include it in your modern lifestyle.

1. Eat Complete Meals, Avoid In-Between Snacking 
In my time, it was the norm to look forward to a mealtime and do it complete justice. But nowadays, people are snacking all through the day, and naturally, don't even realise when lunch hour has come and gone. No wonder, stomachs get confused, leading to acidity. Waiting for a mealtime and eating well, prevents hunger pangs all through the day, which is what make one hog on snacks, which are inevitably fatty foods.

2. Do Mild Exercise Daily 
On a daily basis, exercise your body in some way, be it by simply taking a walk in the park, or walking a certain distance on the footpath, or doing some form of yoga. If you can increase the intensity, the better your body will benefit from the form of exercise.

3. Cook And Eat Your Own Food 
The trend today is to order food the moment one is hungry. But if you peek inside your refrigerator, pick out some fresh vegetables, then cook them yourself, you'll be way ahead on the healthy way. Ordered food is fast food, loaded with calories, and leaving you to experience side-effects such as acidity and bloatedness.

4. Reduce Salt In Your Food 
In our times, we were very careful about how much salt we added to our recipes. But nowadays, I see everyone bringing salt to the table and adding other spices as well...more and more salt. No wonder, even youngsters talk of blood pressure.

5. Bask In The Sun 
Take in the sun. Yes, even though we live in India, where we have too much sun, there are more and more people staying indoors all the time and rushing from one air-conditioned environment to another. But do you know how important it is to be out in the natural weather, feel the sun and the breeze on your face, and find your body heat ebbing away like no air-conditioner can? Vitamin D from the sun helps fight depression and osteoporosis, or reduction of bone density that comes with old age.

6. Include Fruits In Your Diet 
Just as important as vegetables, it is also important to include fruits in your diet. I know people who consume carbohydrates in the form of rice or rotis, but have no space for fruit. I can't imagine how they can manage without fruit. Fruits are our natural dessert. They are not only sweet and juicy, quenching our thirst, they also increase our lifespan.

7. Find A Reason To Smile 
Haste raho! Yes, laughter is a good medicine. No wonder, even yoga classes in the local parks include five minutes of laughing loudly. When you laugh, the good hormones are released, leading to overall health. So, make sure your facial curves are in the right direction!

8. Shop For Beetroot 
When you go shopping for vegetables next time, look out for beetroot, or chukandar. You may not like them, but when you know their huge benefits, you will certainly go for them. They are very healthy because they improve your heamoglobin content, which also lends you a rosy complexion.

9. Drink Lots Of Water 
We used to drink water after every meal, after we reached a destination, when we return home. But I don't see much of that nowadays, people replacing it with juices and cokes, loaded with sugar and artificial tastemakers. But water is water, and nothing can beat it for its benefits. It not only quenches your thirst with no side-effects, it also flushes out toxins from your body.

10. Get Enough Sleep 
It is so important to sleep. But no one gets enough of that nowadays and even when they hit the bed, they are just waiting to get up for another day of hard work, it seems. You can make out by their body language - the leg is usually falling over the bedside. Gosh! If you don't sleep, how can you have the energy to give your best the next day? It is also important for a normal heart rate and to have a happy mood to sleep well.

11. Don't Skip Breakfast And Don't Have Midnight Snacks 
How can people not have time for breakfast? Such are the times we live in. A breakfast is the first meal of the day and the body is just ready for it. If you leave your body starving, you will end up, in the long run, developing ulcer or diabetes. Similarly, don't avoid meal-times, which will make you hungry at late hours. Eating midnight snacks may be exciting but will leave you with a pot-belly for sure!

12. Have A Circle Of Friends 
Having a group of friends who share your lifestyle and interests keeps you happy in more ways than one. It removes your loneliness and stress and also adds more meaning to your life - there's someone to share your experiences, your ups and downs, besides lending you a ear when you have something to say or to listen when you are feeling down and out. This circle of friends may also be a good substitute for family should the need arise.

13. Find Something To Do 
Having a hobby - anything you like - be it reading a book or playing cricket, going for a jog or learning a new musical instrument, even learning a new language - infuses your life with a purpose, and one that's enjoyable. So, don't ever say you are bored: find something to do!

14. Practice Positive Thinking 
Positive thinking sounds like a new funda, but it may have been around for a long time. In my time, we called it will-power and used it to tide over daily problems. Today, more than ever, it becomes imperative that we practice it, so that we are able to use it at the drop of a hat, because surprises and shocks await us around every corner.

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